- safety monitoring slope 边坡安全监测
- Safety monitoring results of a dam with clay core are presented. 介绍了某黏土心墙砂砾石坝的安全监测成果。
- The rockmass safety monitoring in hydroelectric project is made mainly for rock foundation of dam, surrounding rockmass of underground chambers, artificial slope and natural slide, etc. 水电工程岩体安全监测的对象主要有大坝岩基、地下洞室围岩、人工边坡和天然滑坡等。
- The Data and Safety Monitoring Board called for an end to new enrollments. 通过数据,安全检测委员提倡结束新的申请。
- slope safety monitoring and earlywarning 边坡安全监测与预警
- Study on safety monitoring information management system of Tianshengqiao Hydropower Station No. 天生桥一级水电站安全监测信息管理系统。
- A dam safety monitoring is understanding of the dam behaviour,and it is a key link to en-sure the dam safety. 大坝安全监测是了解大坝运行性态,保证大坝安全的重要环节。
- In this paper, The knowledge base design of dam safety monitoring expert system based on RDB is discussed in detail. 本文着重论述了用关系数据库来设计大坝安全监控专家系统知识库的方法,使知识库具有较好的知识扩展性和合理性,使专家系统的智能水平可以得到不断的提升。
- Aim at the present production of coal mines,the design of the real-time safety monitoring system is proposed. 针对我国现在煤矿安全生产的现状,提出了煤矿安全生产实时监控系统设计方案。
- This paper propounds Fuzzy technology to deal with the uncertainty problem of Expert System for Dam Safety monitoring. 本文探讨了应用模糊技术解决大坝安全监测专家系统中各种知识存在不确定性的问题。
- The safety monitoring in construction of tunnel with long-span is indispensable. 在隧道大跨度施工中进行安全监控量测是必不可少的。
- Summary of researches and problems about safety monitoring and detection for dams are firstly made in this paper. 首先对大坝安全监测与无损检测方面的研究现状、存在的问题进行了综述;
- The wild values deviating from the target truth values often occur in the safety monitoring of dams. 摘要大坝安全监测中常会出现偏离目标真值的野值。
- It is generally recognized that the seepage monitoring is one of key items of dam safety monitoring. 渗流监测是大坝安全监测的一个关键项目,对保障大坝安全具有重要意义。
- GPS RTK method has been widely used in huge suspension bridges safety monitoring. GPS RTK技术已广泛应用于大型悬索桥梁形变监测。
- Dam safety monitoring simulation and experiment system is a dynamic analogies system. 大坝安全监测仿真实验系统是一种动态模拟实验系统。
- Therefore,the results of the project safety monitoring design of the Three Gorges Project are studied in this paper. 为此,本文对三峡工程安全监测设计结果进行了优化研究,并提出了一些改进意见和建议。
- In order to make full use of existing Danjiangkou Dam safety monitoring data, a dam monitoring data warehouse is established. 为充分利用丹江口大坝现有人工和自动化采集的大坝安全监测数据 ,建立了大坝监测数据仓库。
- For monitoring slopes that are potentially unstable or where sliding is progressing, the inclinometer casings are typically used.Open end piezometers are commonly used to monitor ground water levels. 摘要:目前针对潜在性及滑动中之边坡监测,大多采用传统倾斜管配合手动式倾斜仪监测滑动面之所在位置及滑动量,监测地下水位则多使用开口式水位计。
- With the development of information technology, the new Internet/Intranet techniques should be adopted to develop a dam safety monitoring system. 随着计算机技术的发展,大坝安全监测应主动适应时代要求,走向网络化、智能化,采用网络数据库和Internet/Intranet技术。