- The principal dwelt on traffic safety in his talk. 校长没完没了地谈论交通安全问题。
- I fear for her safety in this weather. 在这种天气里我很担心她的安全。
- Has this plastic been tested for safety in great heat? 这种塑料在高温下的安全性是否已检测过?
- We decided to go to see the boss together; there's safety in numbers. 我们决定一起去找老板,人多胆壮。
- We better sit closer. Safety in numbers,right? 我们得坐得近些。人多安全,不是吗?
- Container stuffing or truck loading is performed only with factory supervision. 货物的装柜或装车是否在工厂的监控之下进行?
- The principaldwelt on traffic safety in his talk. 校长在讲话中强调了交通安全。
- The speaker dwelled on traffic safety in his talk. 演讲者详述了交通安全问题。
- A truck loaded with wood passed by. 一辆装载木材的卡车开过去了。
- We better sit closer. safety in numbers, right? 我们得坐得近些。人多安全,不是吗?
- I feared for his safety in the region. 我为他在本地区的生命安全而担心。
- Safety in Production Promote Productivity! 生产必须安全,安全促进生产!
- Transfer lines from new above ground storage tank facilities, under the runways to a new truck loading facility. 输油管线从新的地上储油罐经过飞机跑道的底下直达卡车装载设施。
- How do you appreciate the safety in the BBS? 你如何评价bbs的安全性?
- Media briefed on work safety in earthquake areas. 媒体简单通报了震区工作的安全性。
- We shall be glad to make you special offer for order of not less than a truck load at a time. 如一次订货超过一卡车以上,我们将给与特别优惠价。
- I had to seek safety in flight . 我只好逃难去了。
- LOADING IN TRUCK OR ISO CONTAINER The ISO containers or vehices should be equipped with rigid wall or surrounding bar which are not lower than the high of the IBCs. 车辆或集装箱内装载IBC桶包装货物运输时,集装箱或车辆应具备至少同容器等高的刚性围壁和围栏。
- Many people assume there's safety in numbers. 许多人认为,集体活动比个人活动安全。
- Bulk discharging device is installed at lateral of cement silo for bulk truck loading. 在水泥库库侧设散装装置,用于汽车散装。