- Do you feel sad and miserable? 你悲伤痛苦吗?
- The sick child looked pale and miserable. 那个得病的孩子看起来脸色苍白而痛苦。
- She looked rather strained and miserable. 她看起来紧张而痛苦。
- The scene is very sad and dreary. 情景十分悲凉。
- She told us a sad and mild story. 她给我们讲了一个凄婉的故事。
- I looked ill, sad and unhealthy. 那个病怏怏、愁眉苦脸一副营养不良样子。
- Bereft of friends or hope;sad and forlorn. 失去朋友或希望的:伤心而孤独的
- "What should ail me to harm this misbegotten and miserable babe? “加害于这样一个不幸的私生婴儿,难道我发疯了?
- Soapy felt sad and stopped shouting. 索皮感到很难过,就不再叫了。
- The idea of Nancy lonely and miserable tore his soul. 想到南希又寂寞又悲伤,他的心都要碎了。
- It won't look sad and grey any more. 不再看上去灰蒙蒙的或忧郁的。
- In the old days my grandfather lived a hard and miserable life. 在旧社会我祖父过着艰难而又悲惨的生活。
- I was not always so sad and slow. 我原来并不象现在这样萎靡不振,动作迟缓。
- She could see that they were sad and foolish. 她看得出来,他们有点忧戚,还有点傻里傻气。
- "What should ail me, to harm this misbegotten and miserable babe? 加害于这样一个不幸的私生婴儿,难道我发疯了?
- It was grave; it was sad and comic. 它是坟墓,既悲惨又滑稽。
- Sad and unhappy, cold and wet ,Lear became mad. 悲伤不快,又湿又冷,利尔疯了。
- Ben cries.He feels sad and angry. 本哭了,他感到伤心又愤怒。
- It was drizzling, and miserably cold and damp. 外面下着毛毛细雨,天气又冷又湿,令人难受。
- Bereft of friends or hope; sad and forlorn. 失去朋友或希望的:伤心而孤独的