- saccus lymphaticus jugularis 颈淋巴囊
- saccus lymphaticus 淋巴囊
- saccus lymphaticus cruralis 胫淋巴囊
- saccus lymphaticus plantaris 跖淋巴囊
- saccus lymphaticus posterior 后淋巴囊
- saccus lymphaticus subcutaneus 皮下淋巴囊
- In this Feb. 29, 2008 file photo, a veterinarian holds a baby Brotogeris Jugularis, a parrot known as "bronceado", at a temporary shelter in Bogota. 在哥伦比亚波哥大临时救护中心一位兽医手中的一只小鹦鹉。
- There is no particles They could not be found in vessels, 、trabeculums and folliculus lymphaticus. 活性碳进入淋巴结,先分布于边缘窦,而后进入中央窦,血管及小梁、淋巴滤泡均未见活性碳。
- In tonsil tissue, there are lymphadenosis, more folliculus lymphaticus and connective tissue. 3. 扁桃体组织中淋巴组织增生,淋巴滤泡增多,结缔组织增加。
- Objective:To explore the method for simultaneous resection of bilateral vena jugularis interna which were invaded by tumors of neck and to improve the effect of resection. 目的:探讨颈部恶性肿瘤侵及双侧颈内静脉可否一期切除双侧颈内静脉提高肿瘤切除的彻底性并避免二次手术。
- Abstract: Glandular saccus regions in proventriculus of 8 Bactrian camels from Nei Monggol Autonomous Region were studied on histology, histochemistry and electron microscopy. 摘要: 用组织学、组织化学及电镜技术对双峰驼前胃腺囊区的组织结构和腺细胞的超微结构进行了观察。
- Abstract: Nodus lymphaticus metabasis is an important index for tumor stage and a prognosis.Lymphatic vessel formation plays an important role in pathologic state. 摘要: 淋巴结转移是肿瘤分期的重要内容和预后指标,淋巴管生成对肿瘤淋巴结转移等具有十分重要的作用。
- After 15%gelation added with prepared Chinese ink was poured into 4adult geese from the venu jugularis, we dissected the venous ocoipital sinus for experiment and observed the morphology. 试验采用15%25明胶墨汁灌注法解剖观察了4只成年鹅的枕静脉窦。 对170只鹅进行了枕静脉窦采血试验并将其平均每只鹅的总采血量和血清析出量与宰杀采血进行了比较,试验还检测了4次重复采血的血清抗体效价变化及重复采血对鹅健康和体重的影响。
- All of the fixing filters succeeded. The successful rate of the interventional treatment through vein femoralis Dexter (17 cases) was 47%, and 100% through veins jugularis internal dextra (3 cases). 滤器置入全部成功 ,经右侧股静脉溶栓的 1 7例成功率达 4 7%25 ,右颈静脉溶栓 3例 ,均成功达 1 0 0%25。
- The length from the part of venae jugularis externa up 2.0 cm above collarbone to the middle part of venae cava superior is 13 .8+ 2.9cm on the left side and 11.5+ 1.8cm on the right side. 颈外静脉距锁骨上方2.;0cm处至上腔静脉中段之间长度;左侧13
- Two silastic catheters for injecting ho and taking blood samples were put respectively in a vena jugularis externa and in a jejunal artery which perfused a 10 ~ 15 cm intestinal segment. 在颈外静脉和支配10-15cm肠段的空肠动脉内分别放置一硅胶管以备灌流药物和取血样品用。 本研究观察了静脉和动脉注射药物对小肠MMC的影响及MMC不同时相血浆5-羟色胺(5-HT)和胃动素的浓度变化。
- Results were as follows: Histological structures of three glandular saccus regions are basically consistant, which of them consists of tunica mucosa, submucosa, tunica muscularis and serosa. 结果表明:双峰驼前胃3个腺囊区的组织构造基本一致,均由黏膜层、黏膜下层、肌层和浆膜组成。
- processus jugularis ossis occipitalis 枕骨颈静脉突
- truncus jugularis dexter/sinister 左、右颈(淋巴)干
- The nasal cavity saccus lacrimalis makes Kong Zhu 鼻腔泪囊造孔术