- s d mixing s d 混合
- W e d n e s d a y spell wednesday. W e d n e s d a y拼成wednesday.
- T a a t p c f t c d o s i b,a w a i t d f m e, s a t f d i T S d t N D h. 国庆节天安门广场摆放的花坛,也是以这两种颜色作主调。
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- A ?T O .N A A .A ?L R .Y ?A E .E E .S M E A .I ?E A .?S D .X Y .L O N .C R ?R R T 0 9 ?D B ?, , ., . 本站免费电影;提供最新的免费电影在线观看;所有免费电影地址收集于网络;仅做宽带测试.;相关版权归原著作权人所有
- Competitor start operating here with similar goods of a maker price report below u s d 2.34. 同行已开始在此地制造与A公司相同的产品,价格据说在2。34美元以下。
- Methods CDH was induced in fetal rats by gavaging 8.5 day timed pregnant S D rats with 100 mg of Nitrofen. 方法 2 0只雌鼠配种后第 8.;5d给予除草醚 (Nitrofen) 1 0 0mg ;
- Chunilal S D,Eikelboom J W,Attia J,et al.Does this patient have pulmonary embolism? 中华医学会呼吸病学分会.;肺血栓栓塞症的诊断与治疗指南(草案)
- COYLE S D,DURBOROW R M,TIDWELL J H.Anesthetics in Aquaculture[ R].SRAC Publication,2004,No.3900. 张朝晖;丛娇日;王波;等.;麻醉剂丁香酚对黄腊鲹耗氧的影响[J]
- Garvey S D, Penny JET, Friswell M I, et al.Quantifying the correlation between measured and computed mode shapes. 曹其英.;结构数学模型相关分析理论及方法研究:[博士学位论文]
- The fraction’s D type (denominator +fen+zhi+ numerator) was already mature, e.g. 问数出现了“几许”和“多少”两种新形式等等。
- Herzig P M,Hnnington M D,Scott S D,et al.Gold-rich sea-floor gossans in the troodos ophiolite and on the Mid-Altantic Ridge[J].Economic Geology,1991,36:1747. 李文达;王文斌;孙南圭;等.;长江中下游硫化物矿床氧化带及铁帽评价研究[M]
- Burnside S D, Giannels E P. Synthesis and properties of new poly (dimethylsiloxane) nanocomposites[J]. Chem Mater,1995,7(9):1597. 乔放;李强;漆宗能;等.;聚酰胺/粘土纳米复合材料的制备、结构表征及性能研究[J]
- FERNIE S,GREEN S D,WELLER S J,et al.Knowledge sharing:Context,confusion,controversy[J].International Journal of Project Management 2003,21:177-187. 杨瑞龙;等.;企业间网络的效率边界:经济组织逻辑的重新审视[J]
- Wirtz G P,Brown S D,Kriven W M.Ceram is coatings by anodic spark deposition[J].Materials &Manufacturing Processed,1991,6(1):87-115. 何业东;杨晓战;王德仁.;一种制备氧化物陶瓷涂层的阴极微弧电沉积方法[P]
- Burnside S D,Giannelis E P.Synthesis and properties of new poly(dimethylsiloxane)nanocomposites[J].Chemistry of Materials,1995,7(9):1597. 张立群,王一中,王益庆,等.;粘土/丁苯橡胶纳米复合材料的制备和性能[J]
- Photo Scavenger Hunt IdeasIt gets people working s d laughing together, requires little equipment and has lots of room for creativity. 猎影活动既能使参与者有互动的机会,带给人人欢笑的时光,既省事又不昂贵,还非常能引发创作性。
- Tanksley S D,McCoouch SR.Seed banks and mol ecular maps:unlocking genetic potential from the wild.Science,1997,227:1063. 贾继增.;分子标记种质资源鉴定和分子标记育种
- Nolter S D,et al .Glass J T,The effect of substrate material on bias - enhanced diamond nucleation[J].Diamond and Related Material.1994,3(1):1188. 陈志清;等.;钢基底上预镀中间层沉积金刚石薄膜[J]
- In this paper, limit load formulae of several structures which are made of materials having different behavior in tension and compression (as S D effect for short) are presented. 给出了拉压性能不同材料(简称具有S-D效应的材料)的几种结构的极限载荷公式。