- I think you're very harsh and tyrannical. 我看你太严酷,太霸道了。
- Oh, of course, I was exacting and tyrannical and unkind. 啊!当然,我苛刻,专横,粗暴。
- He's so arbitrary and tyrannical that no one wants to work for him. 他那么专横跋扈,没人愿意为他工作。
- The secret police remain unaccountable, ruthless and omnipresent. 便衣数量任然多不可数,残暴,随时有可能从天而降。
- This would project the company as very ruthless and without moral principles. 这会让公司落得个无情无义、没有道德原则的名声。
- Ruthlessness and cruelty that in human nature. 人性残酷毒辣的那一面。
- You know how inefficient and tyrannical government bureaucracies are. 你知道官僚主义政府多么无能,多么专横。
- But it's awfully ruthless and cold-blooded for a nutter from the other side. 但是对那边的疯子们来说,却也实在太冷血无情了。
- He is a shrewd and sometimes ruthless adversary. 他是个精明的、有时候冷酷无情的对手。
- The struggle in the days ahead will be even more ruthless and will still take a fairly long time before it results in our victory in the war. 今后斗争更加残酷,抗战胜利还要经历一个相当的过程。
- But the line between authoritative and tyrannical in these matters in this part of the world is horrifically blurred. 但是该地区在这种事情上权威和残暴的界线模糊的令人震惊。
- Any law that violates the indefeasible rights of man is essentially unjust and tyrannical. 凡违反基本人权的法律都是无理和专制的.
- Some competitions were very ruthless and many athletes were wounded, deformed or died during competitions. 有的比赛极其残酷,许多竞技者致伤、致残、致死。
- Suppose it becomes self-serving and tyrannical at the expense of the people, or denies them an effective opportunity to change an unjust law. 设想国家牺牲人民的利益,变得自私、专横,或者剥夺人民改变不公正法律的有效机会。
- Once upon a time, there lives in this region a ruthless monster who has supernatural powers and tyrannizes over the people here, causing them infinite harm. 很早以前,有个凶残的魔王,他神通广大,独霸一方,人民深受其害。
- He's completely ruthless and has absolutely no qualms about dismissing any employee without a minute's notice. 他非常无情,他可以想都不想就开除一名员工。
- He is cruel and tyrannical. 他既冷酷又残暴。
- He used his ruthless and destructive armies to despoil everybody who lived within reach of his realm. 他动用其损坏性的戎行残暴地攫取国内的人民。
- The writers of this document also feared lest the general populace, led astray by persuasive demagogues, take hasty and tyrannical action against a minority. 制宪者也担心广大的群众被具有说服力的煽动家引入歧途而采取草率及暴虐的行动对付少数人。
- The Soviet system, ruthless and centrally planned, gave birth to vast industrial complexes like Norilsk. 极端中央计划的苏联体制,导致了像诺里尔斯克(Norilsk)这样的综合工业区的出现。