- Our dog rushed upon the stranger and bit his leg. 我们的狗冲向那陌生人,咬了他的腿。
- The accident rushed upon them before they had time to collect their wits. 他们还没来得及定神,那事故就降临到他们头上。
- They rush upon the city; they run along the wall. They climb into the houses; like thieves they enter through the windows. 他们蹦上城,蹿上墙,爬上房屋,进入窗户如同盗贼。
- At this moment Sir Francis and the guide seized Phileas Fogg, who, in an instant of mad generosity, was about to rush upon the pyre. 这当儿,福克要奋不顾身地冲上坛去,柯罗马蒂和向导忙用力把他一把拖
- As Buck drew himself together to spring after them, out of the tail of his eye he saw Spitz rush upon him with the evident intention of overthrowing him. 当巴克正要耸身跳上去跟他们走时,他眼睛的余光看见斯帕斯正冲向他,显然是想把他撞倒。
- When a question on that had rushed upon me, I flung it off. 每当这样一个问题突然涌上我的脑际,我连忙把它甩掉。
- I know not what to call this, nor will I urge, that it is a secret over-ruling decree that hurries us on to be the instruments of our own destruction, even tho' it be before us, and that we rush upon it with our eyes open. 我不知道,也不想知道该怎么称呼这种驱使自己冥顽不化的力量,但这是一种神秘而无法逃避的定数;它往往会驱使我们自寻绝路,明知大祸临头,还是自投罗网。
- The mercer's journeyman came rushing upon me with such fury as very much frighted me. 那个绸缎商的伙计气势汹汹地向我冲来,把我吓了一大跳。
- The rush hour traffic is murder. 交通高峰时间真是难以忍受之事
- It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them. 他们失脚的时候,伸冤报应在我;因他们遭灾的日子近了;那要临在他们身上的必速速来到。
- But when the other squirrels heard that song, they rushed upon Timmy Tiptoes and cuffed and scratched him, and upset his bag of nuts. 但是当其他松鼠听到这首歌,他们冲向提米脚尖儿,并且开玩笑似地打他、抓伤他、然后把他的坚果袋子打翻。
- I try to get to work before the rush hour starts. 我试图在繁忙时间之前去上班。
- I found the work being done in a rush. 我发现这件作品正仓促地被完成。
- And the Spirit of Jehovah rushed upon him, and the ropes that were on his arms became like flax when it burns in fire; and his bonds melted from off his hands. 耶和华的灵冲击参孙,他臂上的绳就像火烧的麻一样,他的绑绳都从他手上脱落下来。
- Cars often pile up here in the rush hours. 在交通拥挤时刻汽车往往在这里挤成一团。
- I really hate to rush off like this. 我真的不喜欢这样匆匆离去。
- Here and there savage dogs rushed upon him, but he bristled his neck-hair and snarled (for he was learning fast) and they let him go his way unmolested. 不时的会有些野狗扑向他,他便耸起颈毛冲他们咆哮(他很快就学会了这个方法),于是他们就毫发无伤地让他走了。
- The tide comes in with a sudden rush here. 这里潮水来势汹涌。
- He has a frantic rush to get his work do. 他急急忙忙把工作做完。
- I don't like to go out during the rush hour. 我不愿意在交通高峰时间出去。