- The rural vocational education in underdeveloped areas plays a vital role in the realization of frog-leaped development. 摘要农村职业教育在欠发达地区实现跨越式发展过程中发挥着重要作用;
- In order to strengthen the rural economy in underdeveloped areas and increase the income of farmers,we should take a series of feasible measures to promote the development of rural vocational education in underdeveloped areas. 为增强欠发达地区农村经济实力,增加农民收入,我们应采取一系列切实可行的措施,促进该地区农村职业教育的发展。
- This Paper has briefly stated the status quo of rural labor quality in our country and expounded the urgency to vigorously deveiop the rural vocational education and the status quo and countermove. 简述我国农村劳动力素质状况,论述人力发展农村职业教育的迫切性,以及农村职业教育的现状及对策。
- Rural vocation education mechanism is not flexible, the ability is not cogent that run a school towards the society,. the efficiency in school management is not high. 农村职校教育机制不灵活,面向社会办学力度不大,办学效益不高,办学活力不强。
- Rural Vocational Education Problem under Visual Angle of New Rural Construction 论市场经济背景下的职业道德建设
- Innovation of Cultural Diffusion Function in Rural Vocational Education 农村职业教育文化传播功能创新
- Carrying out the Branded Strategy of Rural Vocational Education Binding the Countywide Economy's Feature 结合县域经济特点实施农村职教品牌战略
- The Construction of Diversifying Investment System on Rural Vocational Education 农村职业教育多元化投资体系的构建
- The reciprocal effect between rural vocational education and modernized countryside 论农村职业教育与农村现代化的互动
- Initial Analysis of Rural Vocational Education and Transfer of Surplus Labor Force 浅析农村职业教育与剩余劳动力转移
- Integrating the Purpose with the Means of Rural Vocational Education in Its Development 试论目的性与手段性相结合的农职教办学原则
- Theodore Shultz on the anti-poverty policies and strategies in rural vocational education 舒尔茨反贫理论与农村职业教育反贫策略的选择
- To insist on "The Three Services", to widen the way of school-running, to build the new model of rural vocational education facing the 21st century 坚持"三为"方向拓宽办学思路构建面向21世纪的农村职教新模式
- Analysis on Public Products Characteristics of Rural Vocational Education in the Background of "Agriculture, Farmer and Countryside Issue" "三农"背景下农村职业教育公共产品特征分析
- Terminology of Technical and Vocational Education. 技术与职业教育术语。
- Deepening the Reform of Rural Vocational Education and Satisfying the Needs for Transferring Locally the Surplus Labor Force in the Countryside 深化农村职教改革满足富余劳动力就地转移需要
- Apprenticeship is the most traditional way of vocational education. 摘要学徒制度是世界上最古老的职业教育形式。
- Vocational education and training should be strengthened. 加强职业教育和培训。
- This text studies and probes the reform and development of Rural Vocational and Technical Education (RVTE) of our country by taking medium-sized RVTE in HuBei as an example. 本文以湖北省农村中等职业技术教育为例,对我国农村职业技术教育的改革与发展进行了研究和探索。
- VET ASSESS Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services. 职业教育及培训评估服务会。