- Yao five Rural Village Government in huma. 五尧乡乡政府驻乌马庄村。
- Wende Rural Village Government in the Wende. 文德乡乡政府驻文德西村。
- Anyang Rural Village Government in the Xian Yang. 安阳乡乡政府驻西安阳村。
- A rural village that has a market or fair periodically. 定期有集市的农村
- Daqu embankment Rural Village Government in Daqu embankment. 大曲堤乡乡政府驻大曲堤村。
- Franch tapir Rural Village Government in Franch tapir. 獐獏乡乡政府驻獐獏村。
- A rural village, typically consisting of huts surrounded by a stockade. 栅栏村庄一种乡间的村庄,一般由被栅栏围住的茅屋组成
- The patient is a 2-year-old girl from a small rural village in Arta district. 患者为阿尔塔县一个小村庄的一名2岁女童。
- A rural village,typically consisting of huts surrounded by a stockade. 小屋周围的厚厚的栅栏保护拓荒者免受攻击。
- They are determined to inherit martyrs behest of the North completed modernization of the rural village. 他们决心继承先烈遗志,把北村建成现代化的农村。
- The local peasant undergoes the process of class differentiation within rural village. 至于本地农民,他们经历了农村内部的阶级分化。
- Then she persuaded leaders in her rural village to help send her to college in the United States. 接着她又说服了她们村子里的领导帮忙送她去美国的大学。
- They took him home to a rural village where he noticed , schools and clinics at night. 在晚上学校和诊所;他们采取了他家所注意的一个乡下村庄.
- Gusha in Gejiu City, Nigel rural village (Yi residential area), elevation 800 meters. 在个旧市贾沙乡尼格村(彝族居住区),海拔800米。
- The researchers collected water samples from gutters, puddles, and streams in two locations: an urban slum and a rural village. 研究者搜集了位于一个城市贫民窟和一个乡村的水样,这些水样分别来自排水沟,水坑以及河流。
- A young man rides a motorized scooter past geese and donkeys that roam the throughway of a rural village in Laos's Mekong River valley. 在老挝湄公河河谷的乡村里,一个年轻人骑着一辆摩托机车穿过村庄里毛驴和鹅闲逛的道路。
- Hong Kum River Valley, which is located in Tonglu County in Zhejiang Province Gao Xiang Chu Rural Village, an alpine valley landscape. 琴溪香谷,地处浙江省桐庐县高翔乡珠村,属高山地峡谷景观。
- An aging couple, Tomi and Sukichi, travels from their rural village to visit their two married children in bustling, post-war Tokyo. 最动人的故事从来毋须峰迴路转。广岛乡间年迈的父母远道到东京探望儿女,满心以为儿女成才,到达时才发觉他们不外如是。
- Township was large rural village, township List Square, in 1996 and the town of Hopewell Township, as well as large Township. 大营乡原为庄头乡、坊册乡,1996年合乡并镇时,并为大营乡。
- County home and Xining, an Qinzhou, where this rule will be home by Zhai County rural village of Castle Zhang Xining Old City site. 又置西宁县,属秦州,治所在今会宁县翟家所乡张城堡村有西宁故城遗址。