- The 17th Communist Party of China Central Committee Sunday approved a decision on major issues concerning rural reform and development at the close of the 4-day 3rd plenum. 为期4天的中国共产党第十七届中央委员会第三次全体会议于12日结束,会议就农村改革与发展等主要问题达成决议。
- At present, rural reform and development has lagged far behind market-oriented reform and development of cities, the growing gap between rich and poor, urban-rural dual structure of the contradiction. 目前,农村的改革和发展已在市场化方面远远落后城市的改革和发展,贫富差距日益加大,城乡二元结构矛盾突出。
- new situation of rural reform and development 农村改革新动态
- All previous classics wind storm rain of 18 years, rural reform and development face new task again, country of the pace below urgent need answer is reformed after all whereto goes. 历经十八年的风风雨雨,农村改革与发展又面临新课题,迫切需要回答下步农村改革究竟向何处去。
- This is a kind of of collective land ownership and use depart special form, it is rural reform and developing are explored benignantly, get extensive.. 这是集体土地所有权与使用权分离的一种非凡形式,是农村改革与发展中的有益探索,受到广泛...
- the rural reform and development 农村改革发展
- It is time for a new blueprint for reform and development. 现在是描绘改革和发展新蓝图的时候。
- Stability is a prerequisite for reform and development. 稳定是改革和发展的前提。
- A Study of Rural Reform and Development in the Middle and Western Regions in "Post- Agricultural Tax Period" 浅析"后农业税时期"中西部地区的农村改革与发展
- China endeavors to meet economic reform and development goals. 中国确保实现经济改革和发展目标。
- China's reform and development goals will not shattered by floods. 洪水冲不垮中国实现改革和发展目标。
- The rural reform has opened the prelude of China's reform and opening-up. 农村改革揭开了中国改革开放的序幕。
- The practice in the rural reform and the abound experience of the people have refreshed up the Deng Xiaoping's thought on the Second Leap. 我国农村改革的实践,尤其是人民群众丰富的实践经验为邓小平“第二个飞跃”理论注入了新内涵。
- Innovation of system mechanism was the core of health reform and develop. 卫生改革和发展的核心是体制机制的创新。
- rural reform and development 农村改革发展
- At that time rural reform had been under way for several years,and we were just beginning to introduce urban reform and to establish special economic zones. 当时,农村改革搞了几年,城市改革刚开始,经济特区才起步。
- At that time rural reform had been under way for several years, and we were just beginning to introduce urban reform and to establish special economic zones. 当时,农村改革搞了几年,城市改革刚开始,经济特区才起步。
- On top of the agenda for the third Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee is promoting reform and development in rural areas. 第17届中共中央委员会第三次全会最重要的日程就是怎样促进农村地区的改革和发展.
- Under the circumstances of quality-oriented education ,I will deal with the reform and development of rural school's PE education and give some suggestions . 在当前推行素质教育的大环境中,就我区农村学校体育的改革与发展进行探讨,并提出部分建议。
- In the new period the rural reform and the change of farmers' position have a profound effect on the relation between farmers and politics in both social structure and cultural value. 摘要新时期的农村改革与农民地位变化的现实,无论在社会结构方面,还是在文化价值上,都对农民与政治的关系产生深刻影响。