- rural primary school teacher 村小教师
- My mother was a primary school teacher then. 我母亲曾担任小学教员。
- Primary school teachers use a lot of visual aids. 小学教师使用大量的视觉教具。
- People say that I am suited to being a primary school teacher. 别人都说我适合当小学老师。
- He was once a primary school teacher in his early years. 他早年曾当过小学教员。
- rural primary school teachers 农村中小学教师
- The rural primary school opened a class where students can learn courses at the middle school level. 这所乡村小学戴帽儿设了一个中学班。
- Every primary school teacher can design the worksheet about local education.2. 利用地图的绘制技巧,可设计学习单评估鄕土范围,进而绘出让人一目了然的鄕土环境特色简图。
- Conclusion It is necessary to develop HPS on prevention of injury in rural primary school students with varied intervention activities, which is worthy of popularizing. 结论开展健康促进学校有效提高农村小学生预防伤害的健康促进与综合干预效果,值得推广。
- Salaries of rural primary and secondary school teachers are now the exclusive responsibility of the county financial authorities. This has not only ensured that teachers are paid in full and on time,but also reduced the burden on farmers. 农村中小学教师工资改由县财政统一管理,以保证教师工资按时足额发放,减轻农民负担。
- Salaries of rural primary and secondary school teachers are now the exclusive responsibility of the county financial authorities. This has not only ensured that teachers are paid in full and on time, but also reduced the burden on farmers. 农村中小学教师工资改由县财政统一管理,以保证教师工资按时足额发放,减轻农民负担。
- The texts used in the rural primary schools were entirely about urban things and unsuited to rural needs. 乡村小学校的教材,完全说些城里的东西,不合农村的需要。
- Today,salaries for primary school teachers are too low. 现在小学教员的工资太低。
- Today, salaries for primary school teachers are too low. 现在小学教员的工资太低。
- In this piece rural primary school the mode of lesson of some lower grade students is turn, if it is not their turn, these part of children need recite outside the classroom or do some read themself. 这个农村小学有的低年级需要轮拨上课,没有轮到的孩子们就在教室外面朗读或者自己看书。看看能不能有点帮助!
- I'm a primary school teacher in china, i believe i will not only make friends but improve the language ability which we want to get. 我是一位中国的小学教师,相信在这里既能交到朋友,又能提高想学的语言的能力。
- The practice shows that it is very important to conduct the integrative practical activity curriculum in primary school teacher education. 二者之间相辅相成,互相促进。 第四部分:给出了在小学教师教育中开发综合实践活动课程的策略:观念的
- Mrs Pepler, a part-time primary school teacher, has learnt how to weave baskets and is helping to run courses for new woodland owners. 帕普勒先生是一位兼职的初中教师,他已经学会了如何编织篮子,他在帮助给新的林地业主们授课。
- With the increasing migrant workers population and family planning, children enrolled decreasing, while the aging of teachers age, many rural primary schools difficult. 随着外出务工人口增多和计划生育,入学儿童逐年减少,同时教师年龄的老化,使许多乡村小学难以为继。
- Born in Hong Kong and a graduate of Northcote College of Education, Helen first joined the Hong Kong Government as a primary school teacher. 吴氏在任于文化事务科时,曾负责多个不同范畴的工作。