- Discussion on Peasant Laborers'Rights of Paid Vocation and Family Leave? 农民工是否享受带薪年休假和探亲假?
- And while Tursun is a rural peasant, her husband is from the city of Gulja, so their status is ambiguous. 而本案中啊孜古丽是虽然是农村户口,但她老公来自伊宁市,所以这种情况是模棱两可。
- To date, Nepal remains a barefoot peasant labor practices, when it is only in the cities wear straw slippers. 迄今,尼泊尔农民依然保持了光脚劳动的习惯,只是在进城的时候才穿上草编的拖鞋。
- The unjust treatment of peasant labor ers has given rise to a series of social issues,which have hampered the process of urbanization of our country. 农民工的不公平待遇已经引起了一系列社会问题,阻碍了我国的城市化进程。
- As the unceasing development of social economy, we should pay more attention to the spiritual demand while caring about the maintenance of peasant laborers' economical rights and interests. 摘要随着社会经济的不断发展,在关心农民工经济权益维护的同时,我们应审时度势,关注其精神需求。
- On Minimum Wage System of Peasant Laborers 关于农民工最低工资制度的思考
- When rural peasants swapped their hovels for the textile mills of Lancashire, did it feel like an improvement? 当乡村农民以兰开夏[注:英格兰西北部的一郡]纺织厂代替了他们的狭小农舍时,他们是否真地改善了的生活?
- Shadow puppets are an art form that can be appreciated by all. Back in the old days, these puppets entertained both emperors and rural peasants. 皮影戏是值得感激的,在过去的年代里,它是从皇帝到平民百姓都十分喜爱的娱乐形式。
- Huge stashes of cash are being seized, particularly from rural peasants bringing their money to the cities to deposit in banks. 一袋袋的现金遭到警方没收,尤其是乡下的农民想把他们的钱带进城市里存进银行的也难逃此厄运。
- a country that exploited peasant labor. 压榨农民的国家。
- Abstract: In the recent years, The scale of Henan peasant laborer expands more and more, which centralizes the architecture and manufacture industry. 文章摘要: 近年来,河南农民工规模不断扩大,主要集中在建筑和制造行业。
- So long as the peasant laborer cannot turn the resident, their land contracting right of management with difficulty effectively pasts. 只要农民工不能变成市民,他们的土地承包经营权就难以有效流转。”
- The peasant laborer is a special group in the process of structural transformation in China, it has become a new social stratum now. 农民工是在我国体制转轨过程中出现的一个特殊群体,如今已成为社会中的新阶层。
- the drift of peasant labor force 农村劳动力流动
- Based on the present situation in China, multi-dimensional modes developed in the practice remain reasonable choices for the construction of peasant labors' social security. 实践过程中发展起来的多维模式,仍然是我国当前形势下农民工社会保障体系建设的合理选择。
- Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike. 受罢工影响最严重的是乡村地区。
- The nobles in turn held land that peasants, including serfs, were allowed to farm in return for the peasants' labor and a portion of their produce. 贵族占有土地,农民或农奴耕种贵族的土地,农民耕种贵族的土地,并以劳动或一部分产品偿还。
- Macro-examination of Safeguarding the Rights of Peasant Laborers 对农民工权益维护的宏观思考
- He is vicar of a large rural parish. 他是农村一大牧区的牧师。