- rural land usage rights 农村土地使用权
- Could land usage right be transferred or leased? 土地使用权可否出租或转让?
- Could land usage right in the Park be continued after expiration? 土地使用权到期后可否待续?
- What are the stipulations about fixed years at state owned land usage right remising? 关于国有土地使用权的出让年限有何规定?
- Land usage right transfer and lease period shall be in compliance with fixed land usage years minus the years the consignor had used. 土地使用权转让或出租年限,按土地使用权的年限减去出让者已使用的年限。
- When Land usage right is transferred or leased, both parties of transfer and lease must go to Land Management Bureau in Bureau District to change registration procedures of transfer and lease. 土地使用权转让或出租时,转让和出租双方必须到金山区房土管理局转让出租变更登记手续。
- Research on the Contract about the Land Usage Right Circulation in Rural Area 农村土地使用权流转中的合同问题研究
- Land exchange: System reform of the usage right of rural land in China is a necessary choice 土地流转:中国农村土地使用权制度变迁的必然选择
- Indispensability and Countermeasure of Land Usage Right Circulation in Rural Area 论农村土地使用权流转的必要性及对策
- On the Value of Emphyteusis in the Course of Perfecting the System of Rural Land Usage 论永佃权在完善我国农地使用权制度中的价值
- What are the stipulations about fixed years at state owned land usage right remising ? 关于国有土地使用权的出让年限有何规定?
- Innovation System of Operational Institution of Rural Land. 试论农村土地经营制度的创新体系。
- 4) Land usage right transfer and lease period shall be in compliance with fixed land usage years minus the years the consignor had used. (4)土地使用权转让或出租年限,按土地使用权的年限减去出让者已使用的年限。
- Rural land market is a very important part of land market. 农村土地市场是土地市场不可缺少和不可分割的部分 ,加快农村土地市场的培育已成为一项十分紧迫的任务。
- So the reform of the rural land property rights institution can not blench the hypersensitive problem. 在这组权利束中,所有权处于核心地位,因此农村土地产权改革无法绕开这个敏感的问题。
- Not only providing social guarantees to farmer is low level through divide equally the land usage power, but also still hinders the development of the rural economy. 通过均分土地使用权向农民提供的社会保障不仅是低水平的,而且还妨碍了农村经济的发展。
- Reform of land property system should start from capitalization of rural land, which is the right basis of land commercialization. 土地所有权制度改革应该从农村土地的货币化开始,而这恰好是土地市场化的基础。
- While the feature functionality is similar, the usage rights are different. 虽然功能相似,但使用权限不同。
- In name at least, rural land is collectively owned by village residents. 至少在表面上,农村的土地为农村的居民所共有。
- Your computer might not have updated media usage rights to play the file. 计算机可能还没有用于播放文件的更新的许可证。