- rural financial demands 农村金融需求
- The rural financial reform needs to innovate in terms of financial organizations, macroscopic systems and microcosmic policies so as to match the rural credit supply and demand effectively. 基于此,农村金融改革需要从金融组织、宏观制度和微观制度方面进行创新,以实现农村信贷供给和信贷需求的有效对接。
- But faced with the present diversified financial demands, we can see the problems in our financial supply. 但面对当前多样化的金融需求,我国的金融供给还存在着一定的问题。
- Rural credit cooperatives have become the main force of rural financial service. 农村信用社已成为农村金融服务的主力军。
- Avram Grant today revealed that Chelsea's attempts to sign another striker this month were scuppered by unreasonable financial demands. 格兰特今天透露,切尔西因为不合理的资金需求,打算在这个月引进另一名前锋的计划搁浅了。
- The successful reform of rural credit cooperatives (RCCs) is the key to establishing the rural financial system that is suit for market economy. 作为农村金融体系中的主力军,农村信用社改革的成功是构建符合市场经济发展要求农村金融体系的关键。
- Abstract:Rural credit cooperatives (RCCs)gain a quasi monopolistic positionin formal rural financial market. 摘要:农村信用社在农村正式金融市场获得了准垄断地位。
- The authors conclude thata rural financial pluralization will be the best way to attain such a goal. 结论是农村金融多元化是满足农村金融服务需求的最优途经。
- The existing of rural financial repression made the function of financial allocation resources difficult to exert. 农村金融抑制的存在,致使金融配置资源的功能很难发挥。
- Financial repression is the major problem puzzling the fluidity of rural financial market. 摘要金融抑制一直是困扰农村金融市场流动性的主要问题。
- Therefore,to reform and perfect rural financial system is to restore its financial ecosystem. So polices must be made to restore it. 因此,改革和完善农村金融体系就是要恢复农村金融生态系统的功能,依靠农村金融生态的自我调节难以恢复,必须运用非自然恢复模式,即依靠政策来恢复。
- As for the building of rural financial system, the foremost thing is to readjust and perfect property rights of its components. 具体到农村金融体制的建设,首要的便是调整与完善农村金融体系各个组成部分的产权制度。
- How to rebuild the rural credit market is becoming the key constraining factor to the construction of rural financial market. 如何重建农村信贷市场成为制约农村金融市场建设的关键因素。
- Rural financial organizations of JiangNan include the organizations of pawns, hehui, rural credit cooperatives, agricultural storages and rural banks. 民国时期江南农村的金融组织主要有典当、合会、农村信用合作社、农业仓库和在农村提供金融服务的各类银行。
- In the process of many years" reform and research, the Chinese Rural Credit Cooperatives (CRCC) becomes a main part of Chinese rural financial system. 经过多年不断的改革和探索,农村信用社日益成为我国农村金融体系的重要主体力量。
- The case study shows that farmer's financial demand is very violent while regular financial supply cannot thoroughly fit up financial demand because of the regional diversity, capital scarcity, and few varieties. 两村调研结果表明,农户金融需求非常强烈,而农村正规金融供给存在区域差异性,资金有限,品种单一,不能充分满足广大农户的资金需求。
- Credit from these new type of rural financial institutions mainly went to farm households and small-sized enterprises in rural areas. 这些新型的经济机构发放的贷款主要是向经营农牧业的家庭和在山区的小型的企业。
- The base of financial development of countryside is to meet the maintained financial demand as much as possible, while the guide of it is to impel the constant development of agriculture finance. 农村金融发展应以最大限度地满足维持性金融需求为基础,以不断推动农业金融的持续发展为主导。
- In fact use of the term "beneficiaries" and repeated failure to recover loans actually damages prospects for the sustainable development of viable rural financial intermediation. 事实上,"受益者"这个词的使用,以及贷款多次不能收回实际上伤害了可行性农村金融媒介可持续发展的前景。
- The primary financial demand of a regional government increase as the regional economy develops, but the national finance is limited, so the dynamic focal strategy is the only choice for undeveloped regions. 基本财政需求会随着经济和时代的发展而增长,而国家财力是有限的,因此,对欠发达地区实施动态重点突破战略是推动区域经济协调发展的必然选择。