- run smack into sth. 撞在某物上
- run smack into sth 猛然直撞在某物上
- His car ran smack into the wall. 他的车子猛撞到墙上去了。
- It's just a little short of a miracle that I should run smack into you like this when you were waiting for no one in particular. 这几乎是奇迹!你在等一个一般的朋友,却象这样一下子碰上了我,真是个奇迹!
- The witness made a hasty descent from the stand and ran smack into Attics. 证人匆匆地从证人席上下来,正撞上迪克斯。
- Turning a corner, his driver ran smack into the rear of a Tiger tank. 转过一拐弯处,其司机将吉普恰好钻进一台虎式坦克身后。
- But I know that an anime film runs smack into the almost immutable conventions of its genre. 但我知道这动画影片在类型上不偏不倚地跑入一个几乎不变的惯例。
- Without any recourse against his wife's obstinacy, he glared at her for a long time, then flung open the door to go out and ran smack into Mama Li. 鸿渐对太太的执拗毫无办法,怒目注视她半天,奋然开门出去,直撞在李妈身上。
- I cannot address the issue of race in Japan because I know too little about it.But I know that an anime film runs smack into the almost immutable conventions of its genre. 在日本我无法在这个种族议题上发表意见,因为我对此了解的太少,但我知道这动画影片在类型上不偏不倚地落入一个几乎不变的惯例。
- The car ran smack into a wall. 汽车猛地撞在墙上。
- The car drove smack into a brick wall. 汽车嗵地一声撞上了砖墙。
- WHAT HAPPENS WHEN TWO STARS smack into each other? 当两颗恒星猛然撞向对方时会发生何事?
- run smack into a brick wall 猛然撞在砖墙上
- Go, jump, dive, fall, etc. Suddenly and with force into sth. 纵身投入,一头进入。
- run smack into 直撞在
- Put money into sth. 投资于(某项事业)
- On the other hand, DW told DC excitedly that he may start investigating into STH's illegal activites. 另一方面东旭兴奋地告诉东哲说,可能会对申泰焕的非法行为进行调查。
- Two players accidentally smacked into each other. 两名运动员不巧撞在了一起。
- I never smacked into anyone or had a fender-bender. 我从来没有撞过任何人或者出过车祸。
- The only alternative is to become a species who heroically reach for the stars -- only to smack into a wall of our own trash. 如果做不到这点,我们只能变成这么一个物种:百折不挠地向外空群星进发,却只能撞到由我们的垃圾组成的墙上。