- run novels as serials 连载小说
- He decided to issue his new novel as serial 他决定以连载形式发表他的新小说。
- Would you classify her novels as serious literature or other? 你认为她的小说属于文学类,还是其它类?
- I find his early novels as dry as dust. 我发现他早期的小说枯燥无味。
- I would classify his novels as serious literature. 我会将他的小说加以归类为严肃的文学。
- I'd rather classify his novels as science fiction. 我宁可把他的小说归类于科幻小说。
- A friend gave me an English novel as a gift. 有朋友送我一本英文小说。
- Critics reviled the novel as unsophisticated pulp. 批评家把这部小说贬为不成熟的低级品。
- Would you calssify her novels as serious literature or other? 你认为她的小说属于文学类,还是其他类?
- I have read one of his novels as well as a few of his plays. 我看过他的一本小说和几个剧本。
- He uses the novel as a vehicle for the advocacy of his views. 他通过小说来倡导他的观点。
- He selected a novel as a birthday present for his sister. 他挑了一本小说作为送给姐姐的生日礼物.
- Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of us never run off the moral rails in remotely as awful a way as serial killers do, but we do come untracked in smaller ways. 有幸地是,我们绝大多数人从来不会向连环杀手那样偏离道德轨道偏得那么远,但是,我们在小的方面的确会“脱轨”。
- Remember that Access stores all dates as serial dates and stores the date values as double-precision floating integers. 请记住,Access将所有日期存储为一串日期,并将日期值存储为双精度浮点整数。
- Would you classify her novels as serious literature or as easy entertainment? 你认为他的小说属于文学美还是属于通俗美?
- Contains all the 2410 test procedures, such as serial port, clock, IIC, ADC, etc. 内容包含了所有2410的测试程序,比如串口,时钟,IIC,ADC等
- Would you classify her novels as serious literature or as mere entertainment? 你把她的小说归入严肃文学类还是仅仅是消遣类?
- U.S.B.u.s.b. is classified as Serial communication, as opposed to parallel communication. 被列为串行通信;而非平行沟通.
- Would you classify her novels as serious literature or as mere entertainment ? 你认为她的小说属於文学类呢,还是属於通俗读物类?
- Would you classify her novels as serious literature or as mere entertainment. 你把她的小说归入严肃文学类还是仅仅是消遣类?