- Love and death run close together in the world's literature. 爱与死在世界文学中总有不解之缘。
- An open mine (usually for coal) where the seams run close to the surface. 接缝连接表面的露天矿藏。
- Run closely canter, come in hill. 紧跑慢跑,来到山中。
- This lets the developer write applications that run close to where the data is stored, eliminating the need to move data to the client for processing and reducing network traffic. 这让开发人员能够编写在靠近数据存储之处运行的应用,不需要为处理而把数据移到客户机上,减少了网络流量。
- I miss the melodic jingle of his metal collar as he runs close. 我想念它跑步的时候,金属鍊子发出的叮叮声。
- To minimize induced magnetic voltages, leads must be run close together and magnetically shielded and they should be tied down to minimize movement. 为了尽量减小磁场感应的电压,电路引线的走线必需紧贴在一起,采用磁屏蔽,并且将其捆扎起来使其尽量不能移动。
- This lets the developer write applications that run close to where the data is stored,eliminating the need to move data to the client for processing and reducing network traffic. 这让开发人员能够编写在靠近数据存储之处运行的应用,不需要为处理而把数据移到客户机上,减少了网络流量。
- Mr Scarff said: “South Korean banks could run close to the winds in terms of generating capital, as the macro picture [in the country] is not that great. 史思达表示;“由于韩国的宏观形势并不那么理想,在资本生成方面,其银行可能是在逆风而行。”
- The crew may run close to the clamorous surface during rainstorms or navigate along polar regions, where the formation, breakup and wave-beating of ice can produce background clatter as loud as 55 to 80 decibels. 潜艇往往在发生暴风雨时,靠近吵杂的海面,或选择在极地周围航行,在这一带会有冰块生成、破裂,以及海浪拍击等形成的背景音,往往高达55~80分贝。
- There was no moon, only a battlefield of broken lights and shadows, running close together. 月光消失了,只剩下一片碎光映照,阴影笼罩的战场,光影相伴,依依不舍。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
- The American competitors were running close behind Rutherford and were beaten only by a few weeks. 美国的竞争者紧随卢瑟福之后,只晚了几个星期。
- TheD-wolves ran close behind Ulot, giant gray figures almost man-height atthe shoulders. 狼紧跟着尤洛特,他们体型硕大,灰色皮毛,肩膀几乎与人等高。
- Well that's where this year's ODC run closes at Oracle OpenWorld in Shanghai - and I'll be there too, maybe I'll see you? 自然界的规律,无论人认识还是不认识,都几万年不变的运行着。所有的人总结出来的规律,都是希望尽可能接近自然规律。而简单化是这种接近的天敌。
- Gulf Inflation is running close to 10 percent in Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E., while Qatar's consumer prices rose 14 percent in the fourth quarter. 海湾的通货膨胀在沙特阿拉伯达和阿联酋到了10%25,卡塔尔的消费价格在第四季度增加了14%25。
- He has, however, also displayed extraordinary stamina, determination and seamanship in keeping IDEC running close to her full potential. 尽管如此,他仍旧表现出惊人的毅力、决心和驾驶技术,让帆船始终接近全速前进。
- In no minute did the sea run amuck. 倾刻间海上刮起了大风暴。
- The mother with twin babies are always on the run. 这个有双胞胎婴儿的妈妈总是忙忙碌碌的。
- At one point early in the race the two TF106s ran close together on the circuit and Jarno allowed Ralf to pass so that he could take advantage of his car's lighter fuel load. 在比赛开始的某个时间,两辆TF106跑得很接近,而雅诺让轻载的公主超越,以发挥公主的轻油优势。