- An oil pipe is being laid between the two cities. 在两座城市间正在铺设一条油管。
- Buses ply between the two cities. 公车定期往返于那两个城市之间。
- A new telegraph line has been set up between the two cities. 在那两个城市之间架设了一条新的电报线路。
- Telephone communications between the two cities have been restored. 两城市间的电话联系已经恢复。
- The telegraph has been cut between the two cities. 这两座城市之间的电报业务已经中断。
- An oil pipe lies between the two cities. 两座城市之间有一条油管。
- There is a gulf between the two cities. 这两座城市间有个海湾。
- I made a gross judgement of the distance between the two cities. 我粗略地判断了一下这两个城市之间的距离。
- run between the two cities 往来于两城间
- We first cut the link between the two cities. 我们首先切断了两座城市间的联系。
- The river runs between the two states. 这条河在两州之间流过。
- Steam navigation has been opened up between the two cities. 这两个城市之间已有轮船通航。
- Now regular passenger bus services operate between the two cities. 现在两座城市间己有公共汽车定期开行了。
- A new telephone line has been set up between the two cities. 那两个城市之间架设了一条新的电话线。
- The town is an intermediate of transport between the two cities. 这个小镇是两座城市间的运输中转站。
- What I failed to appreciate was the distance between the two cities. 我没有意识到这两座城市间的距离。
- The new canal will reduce the distance between the two cities by half. 新运河将使两个城市的距离缩短一半。
- I make a gross judgement of the distance between the two city. 我粗略地判断了一下这两个城市之间的距离。
- Bob often stirs up a fight between the two boys. 鲍勃经常煽动这两个孩子打架。
- The distance between the two cities was in those days too great to permit of frequent contact . 这两个城市的距离太远,在那时不可能有频繁的接触。