- ruling military government 执政的军政府
- The military government repressed the striking workers. 军政府镇压了罢工的工人。
- The military government promised to restore democracy within one year. 军人政府答应在一年内重新建立民主体制。
- The military government dissolved the injunction. 军政府废除了禁令。
- The military government failed to control the current of public opinion. 军人政府未能控制舆论的动向。
- The rebels went on the offence against the ruling military party. 叛民们继续攻击官方军党。
- The military government dissolved the country's parliament. 军政府解散了该国的议会。
- The military government showed signs of coming a part at the seams. 军政府显示出分崩离析的征兆。
- He came to represent opposition to Brazil's military government. 他成为反对巴西军政府的代表。
- The military government is determined to put down all opposition. 军政府决心镇压一切反对力量。
- President Bush is to announce a wave of restrictions on Burma's ruling military junta, the White House says. 布希总统将在缅甸的统治军事政务会上宣布限制的浪潮,白宫说。
- Left-wing groups engineered a coup against the military government. 左翼团体策划了一场政变以推翻军政府。
- The military government promised to restore democracy. 军政府答应一年之内重建民主政体。
- The new military government has banned strikes and demonstrations. 新的军人政府禁止罢工和示威活动。
- The people revolted against the military government. 人民反抗军政府。
- The king was just the tool of the military government. 国王只是军政府的一个傀儡。
- Police in Myanmar have given DVD hawkers strict orders not to stock the new Rambo movie, which features the Vietnam War veteran taking on the former Burma's ruling military junta. 缅甸警方最近下令,严禁DVD小贩囤积最新一集蓝波电影,因为片中蓝波这位越战老兵对抗的目标正是缅甸执政的军政府。
- The military government flung its opponents into prison. 军人政府把反对派投入监狱。
- Than Shwe retained the key posts of chairman of the ruling military body, the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC), and commander-in-chief of the armed forces. 但是,事态发展的发展并没有变得明朗,因为如果内阁改组,将会对已被拘留的缅甸全国民主联盟总书记昂山素季带来一个转折机遇。
- The military government clamped a curfew onto the capital. 军事政府强力执行宵禁令。