- A law or rule governing the internal affairs of an organization. 章程一种法规或规则,用于管理一个组织的内部事务
- The rule governing a religious order. 管理宗教命令的律令
- In the process of framing and executing the supporting policies, government behaviour has shown its important function by coalescing into market and agricultural associations.U. 在制定和执行农产品出口支持政策过程中,政府行为与市场有机结合,农业行业协会等利益集团发挥了重要作用。
- The rules governing the structure of a language. 支配一种语言构造的规则。
- How can you justify your rude behaviour? 你怎能为你粗鲁的行为辩护?
- Rules govern how and when IP security is used. A rule contains a list of IP filters and specifies the security actions that will take place upon a filter match. 规则控制着何时及怎样使用IP安全检查。规则包含IP筛选器列表并指明当筛选器匹配时使用哪个安全检查。
- The set of rules governing the operation of functional units of a communication system that must be followed if communication is to be achieved. 管理某一通信系统的功能部件操作的一组规则,如果要实现通信,必须遵循这些规则。
- First, a double standard could arise if different rules governed sales by local shopkeepers to foreigners. 第一,如果适用不同规则去调整国内零售店主向外国人的销售货物,则导致双重标准出现;
- Then carry on the further treatise from comparing with "rule government" and "managed government". 而我国的社会主义性质以及我国现实决定了我国政府改革的目标应是公共服务型政府。
- Courts have rules governing the format and content of briefs. 法院有专门规定案情摘要的形式和内容的规则。
- I regard his behaviour with suspicion. 我对他的行为感到怀疑。
- No rule governs how many or how few spell-like abilities an abomination may claim. 从最古老的神所创造的传奇法术到你五分冲前刚研究出来的0级擦玻璃术都不能例外。。。
- He was run in for drunk and disorderly behaviour. 他因酗酒滋事而被拘留。
- Be sure to read the rules governing this promotion before entering. 于登入参加前,必须详阅本推广活动之所载条款。
- Today,at the threshold of the 21st century,his words have become the golden rule governing the new phase of human development. 今天,在二十一世纪来临之际,这句话却成了人类社会新的阶段金子般的注解。
- Such behaviour is beneath contempt. 这种行为令人不齿。
- His behaviour estrange him from his brother. 他的行为使他与哥哥疏远了。
- Today,at the threshold of the 21stcentury,his words have become the golden rule governing the new phase of human development. 今天,在二十一世纪来临之际,这句话却成了人类社会新的阶段金子般的注解。
- I don't know what to make of his behaviour. 我不知道怎么理解他的行为。
- Today, at the threshold of the 21st century, his words have become the golden rule governing the new phase of human development. 今天,在二十一世纪来临之际,这句话却成了人类社会新的阶段金子般的注解。