- rule connection graph 规则连接图
- A tree is a connected graph with no cycles. 一个树是一个没有圈的连通图。
- This paper gives the definition of subassembly, and presents a space partition technique using octree to get connection graph and local blocking graph. 给出了子装配体的定义,提出使用八叉树分割空间来获得联接图和局部阻碍图的方法。
- To resolve directed cutset of Directed Assembly Connection Graph(DACG),an efficient algorithm for the enumeration of all directed cutsets of DACG was presented. 为解决有向装配图有向割集的求解,给出一个生成有向装配连接图有向割集的高效算法,该算法优先考虑检查有向割集两个子图间边的方向。
- We use a vectorization algorithm to extract form lines from run-length connect graph which is calculated first,and in the same time the skew angle is detected. 先使用一种矢量化的直线提取算法在游程连通图的基础上得到表格线,同时对表格进行倾斜校正。
- Let G=(V,E)be a simple connected graph,and dv be the degree of vertex v. 图G=(V,E)为简单连通图,dv表示顶点v的度。
- An articulation point is a vertex of a connected graph which can be split to yield an unconnected graph. 如果一个连通图的一个顶点能被分割,从而使这图成为一个不连通图,则这个顶点称为断点。
- Introduced in this paper is the forest graph of a connected graph which is a generalization of the tree graph. 摘要本文中引进了连通图的森林图,它是树图的推广。
- A noncomplete6 connected graph is called contraction-critical if it has no any6- contractible edge. 一个不包含6可收缩边的非完全图被称为收缩临界6连通图.
- The critical group of a connected graph is a finite abelian group whose structure is a subtle isomorphism invariant of the graph. 图的临界群是图生成树数目的一个加细.;它是定义在图上的一个有限交换群;其群结构是图的一个精细不变量;与图的Laplacian理论密切相关
- According to the judging theory of Euler entry (or circuit) in undirected connected graph, the algorithm and program of computer solution are decided. 根据无向连通图中欧拉通路或欧拉回路的判定定理,给出计算机求解的算法和程序。
- An undirected connected graph with no cycles is called a tree. A vertex with degree equal to one in a tree is called a leaf. 一个无环无向连通图称为一棵树。树中一个度为一的点称为叶子结点。
- A weighted path algorithm and a connected graph algorithm were developed to automatically find multicasting faults in large multicasting networks. 在此基础上,提出两种故障定位算法,即基于经验的路径加权法和基于图论的连通图算法。
- directed assembly connection graph 有向装配连接图
- The Ching court began to feel its rule threatened. 清廷开始感到自己的统治受到了威胁。
- But this does not rule out unofficial discussions. 但这并不排除进行非正式的讨论。
- We use octree to decompose our scene and improve the efficiency through decomposing model, decreasing nodes count in connectivity graph, avoiding collision test etc. 本文利用八叉树来描述场景,通过简化模型、减少连接图节点数、避免碰撞检测等方式提高路径规划的效率。
- The rule is inapplicable to this occasion. 那规则对这一场合不适用。
- Let G be a connected graph, its quasi-Laplacian matrix is Q (G) =D (G) +A (G), where D (G) is the diagonal matrix of its vertex degrees and A (G) is its adjacency matrix. 摘要对于连通图G,矩阵Q(G)=D(G)+A(G)称为图G的拟拉普拉斯矩阵,其中D(G)为图的度对角矩阵,A(G)为图的邻接矩阵。
- In this connection I remember a proverb. 在这一方面我记得有一句谚语。