- The ruling body of English and Welsh barrister. 英格兰和威尔士对高级律师管理的组织。
- The ruling body of american lawyer. 美国律师的管理组织。
- Defining the extended regulation to express the network operation by using"rule frame + rule body"hierarchically and building the flexible, independent, and universal operation rule base. 定义“规则架+规则体”分层结构描述电网操作知识,建立有弹性机制的、独立的、通用性的操作规则库;
- The IOC,Based in Lausanne,Switzerland,is the ruling body of the Olympic Movement. 总部设在瑞士洛桑的国际奥委会是奥林匹克运动的领导机构。
- The sport's ruling body gave him dispensation to compete in national competitions. 体育运动管理机构特许他参加全国性的体育比赛。
- The IOC, Based in Lausanne, Switzerland, is the ruling body of the Olympic Movement. 总部设在瑞士洛桑的国际奥委会是奥林匹克运动的领导机构。
- Nanjing existing provisions : decisions taken after the ruling body to hear applications for mediation. 南京现行规定: 拆迁裁决申请受理后由裁决机构先行调解 。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- With the toast of the establishment and consolidation of the system, Menglian Tusi also formed a relatively complete set of the ruling body. 随着土司制度的建立和巩固,孟连土司也形成了一套比较完整的统治机构。
- She and the other members of that ruling body would convene in a temple high above the Coruscant landscape, deciding important matters of the Jedi. 她与其他的绝地议会成员在科罗森的地标,高耸的绝地神殿当中聚会,商讨绝地信条中重要的事务。
- Regarded by scholars as an insightful philosopher, Edwards was vindictively attacked by the ruling body of his church in Northampton, Massachusetts. 爱德华兹是个哲学家,见解独到,广受学者推崇;虽然如此,他却受到所属麻州北安普敦教会领袖的恶意攻击。
- The Ching court began to feel its rule threatened. 清廷开始感到自己的统治受到了威胁。
- "The church condemns suicide and has banned church burials for those who take their lives," said a spokesman for the Holy Synod, the church ruling body. “教会谴责自杀行为,并禁止为自杀者举行宗教葬礼,”教会权力机构神圣宗教会议的一位发言人说。
- But this does not rule out unofficial discussions. 但这并不排除进行非正式的讨论。
- The rule is inapplicable to this occasion. 那规则对这一场合不适用。
- The athletics ruling body, the IAAF ordered the tests after a much improved performance by the 18-year-old runner in the African Youth Championships last month. 18岁的亚米尼亚在上个月的非洲青少年锦标赛上成绩的异常的提高令赛事的管理机构世界田联做出这个决定。而测试结果的公布则需要等到几周后.
- I did the calculation by the rule of three. 我是根据比例运算法则计算出来的。
- It is up to the courts to rule on this matter. 这得靠法院对这事作出裁决。
- A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body. 健全的精神是与健康的身体是不可分割的。
- I'm afraid that the judge might rule against him. 恐怕法官的判决会于他不利。