- ethylene propylene rubber insulated cable 乙烯丙烯橡胶绝缘电缆
- Bber sheathed rubber insulated cable 韧性橡胶护套绝缘电缆
- tough rubber sheathed rubber insulated cable 韧性橡胶护套绝缘电缆
- butyl rubber insulated cable 丁基橡胶绝缘电缆
- PVC and rubber insulated cable 聚氯乙烯橡胶绝缘电缆
- rubber insulated cable 橡皮电缆
- silicon rubber insulated cable 硅橡胶绝缘电缆
- Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages rp to and including 450/750V-Part 4: Cords and flexible cables GB5013.;4-1997额定电压450/750V及以下橡皮绝缘电缆第4部分:软线和软电缆
- Rubber insulated cables -- Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -- Part 5: Lift cables 弹性体;升降机;绝缘电缆;提升机(输送机);合成橡胶;电缆详细信息...
- Remove the insulation form insulated cable. 在导线的适当位置用专用电工刀将绝缘层剥下。
- Tough rubber insulated Braided lift cable 编织电梯电缆
- Tough rubber insulated lift cable for high tenacity 高强度橡套电梯电缆
- Either rigid shapes of steel (angles or tees )or flexible insulated cable shall be sleeted to be utilized as runway conductors and proposed in the order . 起重机导电形式分为电缆和滑线两种,订货时可任选一种。
- Hengzuan has following products:silicon Rubber insulated Fixing Wire.Silicon Rubber insulted high voltage fixing wire.silicon rubber high voltage lead.silicon rubber calbe. 公司主要产品有:硅橡胶绝缘安装线、硅橡胶绝缘高压安装线、硅橡胶绝缘高压引接线和硅橡胶电缆。
- Application of Tinned CCS wire lead wire of various electronic components inner conductor of rubber insulation cables conductor of hook-up wire for instruments shield wire for electric cable 镀锡铜包钢线应用领域各种电子元器件插脚接线橡皮绝缘电线电缆导体仪器仪表连接线电力电缆的屏蔽编织线
- The HVDC withstand voltage test can discover the defect of paper insulated cable efficiently, but it has limitation in discovering the defect of cross-linked polyethylene insulated power cable. 分析了高电压直流耐压试验可有效发现纸绝缘电缆缺陷,但在发现交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆缺陷方面有局限性。
- general-purpose rubber insulated and sheathed trailing cable 通用橡胶绝缘铠装拖缆
- Double core rubber insulated lead sheathed and armored cable 双芯橡胶绝缘铅包铠装电缆
- Cross-linked polyethylene insulated cables covered with a polychloroprene sheath. 标准/规范英文名: Insulated cables and flexible cords for installations.
- Copper core silicon rubber insulated and sheathed flat power cable 铜芯硅橡胶绝缘硅橡胶护套扁型电力电缆