- Rubber boots are impervious to water. 橡胶鞋是防水的。
- I wear rubber boots when it rains. 下雨时我都穿橡胶雨鞋。
- When it rains I wear rubber boots. 下雨天我穿橡胶雨靴。
- We sloshed along in our rubber boots. 我们穿著橡胶高靴哗啦哗啦地涉水前进。
- Keep off oil,or else it will perish your rubber boots. 不要碰油,否则会把你的橡胶鞋弄坏的。
- Keep off oil, or else it will perish your rubber boots. 不要碰油,否则会把你的橡胶。
- Where an American has rubber boots an Englishman puts on wellies. 美国人的胶靴英国人叫威利。
- We are looking for the producer whi produce the brand "DOCK BOOT" rubber boots. 我们正在寻找生产商生产的品牌白盔“对接启动”胶靴。
- He crossed the creek again back toward the trucks, sloshing along in his rubber boots. 他又涉水回来向卡车走去,穿着胶靴啪嗒啪嗒在水里走着。
- "I've sent for Mother."said Jo, tugging at her rubber boots with a tragic expression. “我已发电报去叫母亲了。”裘带着一副悲悲戚戚的表情,边说边脱自己的橡胶鞋。
- Could you please send us a catalog of your rubber boots together with terms of payment? 你能给我们寄来一份胶靴的目录,连同告诉我们付款方式吗?
- Seg L=EN-US>Could you please send us a catalog of your rubber boots together with terms of payment? 你能给我们寄来一份胶靴的目录,连同告诉我们付款方式吗?
- Be careful - loose shoelaces, rubber boots and baggy clothes can get caught in the moving parts of the escalator. 请留意:松脱的鞋带、塑胶长筒鞋以及宽松的衣服可能会捲进手扶梯转动的区域。
- The highlight of the Golden Gumboot Festival is a rubber boot throwing competition. 橡胶金靴节的重头戏为丢靴大赛。
- However, McCandless ignored Gallien's warnings, refusing all assistance except for a pair of rubber boots, two tuna melt sandwiches, and a bag of corn chips. 但是麦坎德斯没有理会加里恩的警告,除了答应拿双长筒胶鞋,两个金枪鱼三明治和一包玉米片以外,其他所有东西都不要。
- Venice hoteliers are urging tourists to enjoy the tourist mecca despite chronic flooding, offering free rubber boots for guests to slosh around the Renaissance city. 文艺复兴之城、“水城”威尼斯近日遭遇洪水侵袭,一些酒店利用水涨之机,打起了促销牌,即住店游客可免费使用酒店提供的雨靴,体验水中漫步威尼斯的乐趣。
- George Nardi, who owns a year-old cod farm off Sorrento, swaps his trainers for white knee-high rubber boots as we discuss the region's dwindling employment options. 纳迪乔治(GeorgeNardi),他在索伦托外拥有一个经营了一年的鳕鱼农场,当我们谈论这个地区变得越来越少的工作选择时,他用膝盖那么高的白色胶靴换下了他的教练机。
- The smell of bleach in Beichuan was overpowering as workers in the white suits and black rubber boots sprayed disinfectant on buildings, trees, car wheels and the soles of shoes of people. 漂白粉气味相当刺鼻,衣这白色防护衣脚蹬黑色橡皮靴的工作者,向建筑、树木、车轮、人们的鞋底喷撒了消毒剂。
- Attempting to stop the spread of the virus, a battalion of health workers wearing protective clothing, goggles and rubber boots spread out around the neighborhood spraying disinfectant on buildings. 为尽量控制病毒传播,一组由身着防护衣,带着护目镜并穿着橡胶靴子的卫生部工作人员组成的队伍围绕邻近地区的建筑物喷洒消毒水。
- To begin our tour, Staunton and I had to change into special white rubber boots, sterilized to prevent the introduction of alien microbes into the tanks where the bluefin tuna are nurtured. 参观一开始,史陶顿和我就必须换上特制的白色橡胶靴,这靴子已经消毒过,以免把外来的微生物带入饲养黑鲔的水槽。