- Lyophilized Royal Jelly Powder, Fresh Royal Jelly, Yajian Lyophilized Oral Tablets of Royal Jelly, Propolis, Bee Pollen 鲜蜂王浆、蜂王浆冻干粉、蜂王浆冻干含片、蜂胶胶囊、蜂花粉、蜂蜜
- Bee Pollen,Cellwall Pollen Powder, Pollen Extract, Propolis, Royal Jelly, Lyophilized Royal Jelly Powder, Queen Bee Larva, Drone Larva Powder,Beeswax; 花粉,破壁花粉,花粉提取物,蜂胶,蜂王浆冻干粉,雄蜂蛹,蜂皇胎,蜂蜡;
- royal jelly powder 王浆粉
- They removed royal jelly for medicinal use. 他们把蜂皇精取出,用作药品。
- Honey + pollen + is royal jelly OK dispel pouch? 蜂蜜+花粉+蜂王浆可以祛除眼袋吗?
- Are royal jelly and honey different? 蜂王浆和蜂蜜不一样吗?
- Most expensive of all the treasures in a beehive is royal jelly. 蜂箱内所有珍物中最昂贵的东西要数蜂王浆了。
- Agar-agar powder, Konyaku Jelly Powder and sugar mix well. 燕菜粉、水晶果冻粉,加糖,搅拌均匀。
- Royal jelly is even more difficult to extract than propolis. 王浆比蜂胶更难于提
- No. It's too strong for me. I want two bottles of Royal Jelly. 不,鹿茸太强烈了。我要两瓶蜂王浆。
- Royal Jelly is very high in protein and other essential nutrients. 蜂皇浆也含有大量的蛋白质和其它营养成分。
- Royal jelly is effective in treating nervous exhaustion. 蜂皇浆对治疗神经衰弱很有效。
- I think this American ginseng royal jelly is suitable for you. 我认为西洋参蜂皇浆很适合您。
- Royal jelly can cost anything up to $US272 (2260 RMB) per kg in the West. 在西方,王浆的价格可高达每公斤272美元(2260元人民币)。
- High transparent jelly powder: High transparency, Gel condensation, Water-keeping ability, and satisfying resilience. 高透明果冻粉:透明度高,凝冻效果好,持水性好,弹性适中
- Royal jelly is rich in nutritious substances and is good for one's health. 蜂王浆富含多种营养物质, 是食疗滋补的佳品。
- Allergic people shall not take royal jelly, they shall take queen bee placenta. 有过敏体质的人群不宜服用蜂王浆。改服“蜂王胎宝”。
- The most effective concentration of bee royal jelly is about 400 ppm. 比?合适的蜂皇浆浓度是400ppm左右。
- Soya-bean milk, milk, royal jelly and honey are opposite that woman best? 豆浆、牛奶、蜂王浆和蜂蜜那个对女人呢最好?
- Mix together 1 pack of jelly powder and 2 tablespoons of sugar and dissolve them in 250ml boiling water. Pour in a 9-inch pie or pizza pan and chill until set. 一包果冻粉和2大勺砂糖加入250毫升热水中,拌至完全混合后倒入一个9寸左右派模或披萨盘,冷藏至凝固。