- What type of economic system does the U.S. Have? 美国奉行甚么形式的经济体制?
- route of economic system 经济系统演进路径
- First the paper discusses in detail that IOST functions in economic growth: IOST is the sole route of changing the mode and gaining high quality of economic growth. 文章首先着重论述了科技创新在经济增长中的作用:科技创新是转变经济增长方式和获得高质量经济增长的唯一途径;
- Steady progress was made in the reform of economic system and in the structural adjustment. 经济体制改革和结构调整稳步推进。
- It has significant meaning to analyse the sustainable development of economic system in theory. 深入地从理论上分析经济系统的可持续发展有着重大意义。
- He made a plot of the route of the hike. 他为远足的路线画了一张图。
- Coase maintains that the study of economic institutions is vital to understanding of the work of the economic system. 科斯一直坚持制度分析对理解经济运行是重要的。
- This kind of economic system is in a country reflecting is agricultural collectivize. 这种经济体制在农村的体现就是农业集体化。
- The route of the Long March is lined out in red on the map. 在这张地图上长征路线是用红线标示出来的。
- The change of economic growth mode basically depends on the change economic system mode and development mode. 转变经济增长方式,根本上依赖于经济体制模式和发展模式的转变。
- The reform of economic system in 2008 will achieve pragmatic progress in five fields. 2008年经济体制改革将在五大领域进行实质性突破。
- The establishment and evolution of CMS is connected with the change of economic system and health system of rural China . 合作医疗制度的建立和发展,是与农村经济体制、农村卫生体制的变化紧密联系在一起的,这是农村基层卫生组织与合作医疗制度曾经取得成功运作的制度基础。 着重预防、健康教育、环境卫生工作是低成本但高效益地提高农村健康保障的基本规律。
- Police academies have reformed and brought forth new ideas on budget management as the constant deepening of economic system reforms. 摘要随着经济体制改革的不断深入,公安院校预算管理工作也进行者改革创新。
- A route or proposed route of a journey. 旅程,路线旅行路线,或旅行预定的路线
- And the reform of economic system and scientific innovation combined are certain to promote Chinese economy and realize straddled development. 要尽快在若干科技领域实现突破,要以高新技术和先进适用技术对传统产业进行改造,企业要建立新的技术创新体系。
- He make a plot of the route of the hike. 他为远足的路线画了一张图。
- Meanwhile, Mao Tse_tung made a serious mistake in the matter of economic system and it blocked sound development of economic construction of socialism. 与探索相伴的是毛泽东在经济体制问题上存在着严重的失误,影响了社会主义经济建设的健康发展。
- Crowds of people lined the route of the procession. 人群在行进线路沿途站成一排.
- Exhaustible-resource-area"s economic position and function over China has declined during the transposition of economic system. 在经济体制转轨的过程中,耗竭性资源地区在全国的经济地位和作用逐渐下降,这与这些地区产业结构调整滞后是密不可分的。
- He lives on the route of the No. 323 Bus. 他住在323路汽车经过的地方.