- This machine uses magnetized jet pump, may magnetize the drink, which is advantageous to the health. 本机装有喷射泵,可以搅动喷射饮料,有如喷射四射,新颖美观,吸引顾客。
- Comparison with jet pump, it is indicated that there are the same side and differentia on best parameters in HJAI. 实验结果表明,与射流泵对照,水气射流通风器最佳优参数既有其共同之处,也有其不同点。
- Liquid-liquid &gas jet pump is a kind of li quid jet pump which can pump two-phase liquid and gas fluid. 液-液气射流泵是一种能同时抽吸液、气两相介质的液体喷射泵。
- The jet pump is a form of series connection and we can obtain a lower mixture ratio, and we analyze the fundamental performance of the jet pump. 将射流泵串联联接,得到较小的混合比,并对其基本性能进行分析,提出了双级串联射流泵的数学模型,与实验结果基本吻
- The author gives his experiences for the disassembly, installation and adjustment of VE distributing jet pump in this paper. 本文就如何拆卸、装配和调整VE型分配式喷油泵作了简明的经验介绍。
- As a very important part of borehole hydromining device, with its special advantage, jet pump becomes the main subject of this thesis. 作为钻孔水力采煤的重要组成部分,环形喷嘴射流泵因为其独特的优点成为本论文研究的内容。
- During the process of, NGH generation, ejector jet pump is working without control and fluid jet always kept upward at high speed. 水合物生成实验始终保持喷射器处于自由抽吸状态,流态为高速向上的喷射型。
- Working media and ejecting media should be treated as non-elastic for jet pump calculation when expansion ratio and compression ratio both are close to 1. 而在膨胀比和压缩比都非常小且接近于1时,应该采用把工作介质和引射介质都视为非弹性的喷射泵计算方法。
- Jet pump may be all kinds of material, such as cast iron, steel, stainless steel, Hastelloy, titanium, ceramic, glass, plastics and graphite, and made of various sizes. 喷射泵可由各种各样的材料制成,例如铸铁、钢、不锈钢、哈氏合金、钛、搪瓷、玻璃、塑料和石墨,并可制成各种尺寸。
- Comparison between the oilwell jet pump and other artificial lifting equipment shows that the jet pump is more suitable for oil recovery from complicated wells. 将采油喷射泵与其他人工举升采油设备进行的分析对比表明,喷射泵更适用于复杂油井的开采。
- The vacuum micro-tool consists of a venturi jet pump, a linear pressure regulation valve, two switch valves and a glass pipette suited for micro-operation. 真空微夹由真空喷射泵、线性压力调节阀、电磁开关阀以及满足尺寸和形状要求玻璃吸管组成。
- Carbon Graphite Sealing rings for water pumps, jet pumps, monoblock pumps etc. 产品分类:机械与设备->机械零配件(元件)->引擎及马达->碳密封圈
- The annular multinozzle jet pump is especially fit to pump the mix liquid containing large amount of solid particles because the drawn liquid flows in one direction in the pump. 环形多喷嘴射流泵的被吸流体在射流泵内沿直线流动,特别适合于抽吸含有大量固体颗粒的混合流体,在大口径反循环钻井和河道清淤等工程中具有广阔的前景。
- The flier is flying a new-type jet plane on trial. 飞行员正在驾驶一架新式喷气机作试验飞行。
- VE distributing jet pump is widely used in diesel engine for its light weight, small volume and low cost, but some troubles are also brought for repair because of its poor reliability and endurance. VE型分配式喷油泵因其重量轻、体积小、成本低等优点而被广泛应用在柴油机上,但又因其可靠性和耐久性差等弊病给用户带来维修上的不便。
- I need import very many ton or very many cabinets "from Japaneither US;Synthesis silk "The synthesis silk is the textile equipment, for example Japanese oron the American water jet pump uses! 我需要从日本或美国进口很多吨或很多货柜的"综丝"综丝是纺织设备,例如日本或美国喷水机上用的!
- By means of CADDS5 software, the virtual parametrization design of the structural model of jet pumps are carried out. 利用CADDS5软件的参数化设计方法,对射流泵结构模型参数实现参数化虚拟设计。
- SHB-IIIA-type multi-use of recycled water for the main parts of jet pumps, and three links, check valve, such as exhaust Tsui. IIIA型循环水式多用真空泵主要部件采用射流器、三通、止回阀、抽气咀等。
- Jet pumps can be applied to solve the boiler feed water boiler condensate recovery of the existence of multi-stage centrifugal pump cavitation and pressure drop. 旋喷泵可以彻底解决应用于锅炉给水、锅炉冷凝水回收的多级离心泵存在的气蚀和压力下降问题。
- Jet pumps can be applied to solve the boiler feed water, boiler condensate recovery of the existence of multi-stage centrifugal pump cavitation and pressure drop. 旋喷泵可以彻底解决应用于锅炉给水、锅炉冷凝水回收的多级离心泵存在的气蚀和压力下降问题。