- roof thrust (顶冲断层)顶板逆冲断层
- 双冲断层Duplex
- 冲to rinse
- 联冲断层Link thrust
- floor thrust (底冲断层)底板逆冲断层
- 穹顶dome
- thrust stage (半岛式舞台)突出式舞台
- 辐散冲断层系divergent thrust system
- thrust-augmented (火箭发动机)推力增大的
- 灭顶be drowned
- 冲孔punching
- spring thrust bearing (水轮发电机的)弹簧支撑式推力轴承
- 冲出obtrude
- 冲进rush
- 今冬明春防洪工程建设的重点是以欠高堤段加高培厚、基础防渗、迎流顶冲部位堤面防护、崩岸治理、穿堤建筑物及病险水库除险加固等为重点,根据堤防的重要性,按照轻重缓急分步实施。The focus of dyke construction this winter and next spring will be the increase of height and thickness of some low dykes, seepage prevention of foundation, surface protection of dykes on the sections of flow-ward side and against-flow side, slump banks harassment, strengthening and removal of danger for the bank-crossing structures and risky reservoirs. The construction will be in stages and in the order of importance and urgency according to the importance of the dykes.
- 上升的冲断层前缘emergent thrust front
- 冲上upthrust
- 脱顶断层detachment fault
- 冲向rush at
- 冲头former block