- roof gutter for running water 水溜
- A vertical pipe for carrying rainwater down from a roof gutter. 水落管从屋顶水槽接下的竖直导水管
- Sometimes the land may tell you to plant this or that, or put in a fountain for running water, or to trim this or that. 有时候大地会告诉你需要在某处植树,或为了运转水元素而造一座喷泉,或去修整这个或那个。
- A furrow or groove formed by running water. 犁沟由流水形成的槽或小沟
- A course laid out for running or racing. 跑道铺设用于赛跑或赛马的道路
- We are testing for poisonous chemicals in the running water. 我们正在测定自来水中的有毒化学物质。
- Rub for at least 20 seconds,then rinse well under running water. 至少搓洗20秒钟。然后将双手浸泡在流动的水中。
- "Drunk be damned," cried the captain. "He can lie in the gutter for all I care. "什么喝醉了,见鬼去吧,"队长说,"他要是醉得躺在污水沟里,我也管不着。
- The running water eroded a gully. 流水冲蚀出一条沟渠。
- This invention changes its 200 years history of limitation to roof gutter and drainpipe, due to its easy bending, cutting and welding property. 改变200年以来利用锌金属易于弯折、剪焊等加工特性而限于作为制造屋面天沟及排水管之用。
- He sweated all over for running. 他跑得全身汗水淋淋。
- He wants to better his record for running the mile. 他要提高一英里赛跑的纪录。
- He was known for running a brutal extortion racket. 他因干过一起残忍的敲诈勒索而出名。
- Time flows away like running water. 时间的流逝象流水一样。
- Have you heard the babble of running water ? 你听到那潺潺流水声了吗?
- We just pay twenty eight yuan for rent including electricity and running water. 每月我们交28块钱房租,包括水电费。
- I'd like to buy some sports trainers for running. 我想买跑步用的运动鞋。
- All our rooms have hot and cold running water. 我们所有的房间都有冷热水。
- Make everything ready for running 7"casing. 做好下7”套管的准备。
- For running like the devil's chasing you. 跑得象后面有魔鬼在追你。