- Cages have an appreciable influence on the suitability of rolling bearings. 保持架对滚动轴承的适用性有明显的影响。
- All bearings are rolling bearings and the shafts are made of alloy steel. 轴支承全部采用滚子轴承。轴材料均为合金钢。链条均为强制润滑。
- Xinjiang Rolling Bearing Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 新疆滚动轴承制造有限责任公司。
- In general, the cages for SKF rolling bearings can be classified as pressed, solid or pin-type cages. 一般说来,用于SKF滚动轴承的保持架可以分为冲压、实体或支柱式保持架。
- Grease can be used to lubricate rolling bearings under normal operating conditions in the majority of applications. 油脂可以在大部分应用场合中用作正常运行条件下滚动轴承的润滑。
- ISO 9628:1992 "Rolling bearings - Insert bearings and eccentric locking collars". ISO 9628.;1992“滚动轴承-带座轴承及偏心锁定环”
- This coating, trademarked NoWear, was developed by SKF for rolling bearings and is covered by an SKF patent. 这一涂层,商标为NoWear,由SKF为滚动体开发,并由SKF获得专利保护。
- Railway transport equipment. Rolling bearings for railway axle-boxes. Acceptance inspection. 铁路车辆。箱用轴承。验收检验。
- After site testing,we find a kind of problem diagnosing criterion for rolling bearings of damageable retarder. 通过现场测试总结并提出了一种易损减速器滚动轴承的故障诊断判据。
- FAG rolling bearings distributors Bearings for the paper &metallurgical industries - Industrial... 分类标题:滚珠轴承、滚针轴承和滚柱轴承|滚珠轴承...
- The fault pattern recognitions of rolling bearings are thus to be effective and accurate. 因此,可以利用分形维数效地诊断出流动轴承的故障。
- The sole on the heat mould is shaked and pushed like massage by the taper rolling bearings to remove wrinkles. 本机利用圆锥滚轴;对放在热底模上的鞋底不断振动和推动;来实现按摩去皱.
- Other special materials include ceramic rolling bearing components. 其他特殊材料包括陶瓷滚动轴承组件。
- The permissible operating temperature limits the speed at which rolling bearings can be operated, see the section "Reference speeds". 允许工作温度限制了滚动轴承能够运行的速度,见“参考速度”一节”。
- The diameter tolerances for these bearings deviate from the Normal tolerances for the other rolling bearings, see section "Tolerances". 这些轴承的公差值偏离其他滚动轴承的普通公差,参见"公差"一节。
- The SKF range of lubricating greases for rolling bearings comprises many types of grease and covers virtually all application requirements. 用于滚动轴承的SKF油脂范围包括多种油脂,适用于几乎所有应用要求。
- Aerospace series. Fork-ends, for rolling bearings in corrosion resisting steel swaged on type, control cable. Dimensions and loads. 航空航天系列。操纵钢索锻制型耐腐蚀钢制滚动轴承的叉形头。尺寸和负载。
- Aerospace series. Fork-ends, threaded, control cable for rolling bearings in corrosion resisting steel. Dimensions and loads. 耐蚀钢制滚动轴承用操纵钢缆带螺纹叉头。尺寸和负荷。
- When mounting bearings, follow the general recommendations provided in the section "Mounting and dismounting" in the catalogue "Rolling bearings". 安装轴承时,应遵守型录“滚动轴承”一章“安装和拆卸”一节给出的一般建议。
- At last, the KB of DCU was applied to interface of expert system of the rolling bearings design, and built the KBMS.The system runs well after debug. 最后,将领域汉语理解知识库应用于滚动轴承产品设计专家系统的接口上,并建立了知识库管理系统,结果较为满意。