- The train rolled into the station. 火车慢慢地驶入车站。
- He's an artist, a scientist and a shrewd businessman (all) rolled into one. 他既是艺术家,又是科学家,同时还是个精明的生意人。
- He is a worker and a writer rolled into one. 他既是工人又是作家。
- I was so tired I just rolled into bed. 我累得见床滚上去就睡。
- Banks are several businesses rolled into one. 银行集数种商业活动于一身。
- The ball rolled into the hole and she had won. 球滚进了洞,她赢了。
- Punk all rolled into one. Just my type. 吉娜:好极了。集怪胎与朋克于一身。正合我意。
- You feel horrible roll into a ball you. 你感觉糟糕蜷缩成一个球。
- Women are like samson and delilah are rolled into one. 女人就像是大力士参孙和迷惑他的妖妇黛丽拉的合体。
- Two months before the Olympics, Soviet tanks rolled into Prague. 奥运会前的两个月,苏联的坦克开进布拉格。
- Chicago is the glory and damnation of America, all rolled into one. 芝加哥既是美国的光荣,也是美国的灾星,两者合而为一。
- She has become his assistant and secretary rolled into one. 她既成了他的助手,又当他的秘书。
- Type genus of the Oniscidae; woodlice that cannot roll into a ball. 潮虫科的模式属;不能蜷成一团的林虱。
- It's a penknife, scissors, corkscrew all rolled into one. 这集小折刀、剪刀和螺丝起子于一身。
- Roxanne I rolled into the sand trap with that shot . 萝珊结果那一球害我进了沙坑。
- The ingots can be seen rolled into aluminium foil in some plants. 在某些工厂,可以看到这些铝锭被轧制成铝箔。
- In the winter of 1952, a milky white fog rolled into the city. 1952年冬天,一股乳白色的大雾滚滚涌入这个城市。
- To fall or roll into a basket or hole. Used of a ball. 投球入篮,击球入穴指球落入或滚入篮内或洞内。
- Sports To fall or roll into a basket or hole. Used of a ball. 投球入篮,击球入穴:指球落入或滚入篮内或洞内。用于球
- Money from one year rolls into next. 今年的钱继续滚到下一年里。