- Drums and gongs were beating boisterously. 锣鼓敲打得很热闹。
- Use drums and gongs, megaphones and recorders to help. 用锣鼓,扩音器和录音机帮忙。
- There was a roll of military drums and then an announcer spoke. 一阵军鼓声之后,一个广播员说道:
- Peace has no drums and trumpets to stir the pulse. 和平没有鼓动人们情绪的鼓号。英汉大词典
- Less drums and none of the songs are chinked-out. 歌里很少用到鼓,也没有一首歌再走chinked-out风格。
- Snare drums and cymbals are traps. 小军鼓和钹是打击乐器。
- Beats: music, usually with heavy drum and bass. 强音拍,强节奏:通常带有很强的击鼓声和贝司乐的音乐。
- The thunder rolled; rolling drums. 雷声在回响;回响的鼓声。
- I tapped on her drum and asked her how come. 问她这一切所为何来。
- Strike up the drum and march courageously. 敲响战鼓,奋勇向前。
- The whole airport rang with the sound of drums and gongs and the shouting of slogans. 整个机场回荡着锣鼓声和口号声。
- At once we hear the drums and the squawk of trumpets. 我们便立刻听到了鼓声和刺耳的喇叭声。
- They put my hands in a metal drum and burned them. 他们把我的手放进一个金属滚筒里烧了。
- Taiyuan is popular in Taiyuan, gongs and drums and gongs Jinzhong in the vicinity of a musical. 太原锣鼓是流行在太原和晋中一带的一种锣鼓音乐。
- The adhesion co efficiency between the wheel and the roll drum decrease, as the braked wheels climb up on the roll drum. 经试验验证,理论分析与试验结果相吻合。
- Danjiao and Harlequin game to open 40 Doors, the accompaniment of drums and gongs. 旦角、丑角出场都要开四门,锣鼓伴奏。”
- At the same time we asked somebody else to play drums and bass. 同时我们还请了我们的朋友爵士鼓手唐浩泉先生和另一位朋友弹倍司(也称倍大提琴)。
- Ladies accompany the fighters' entrance with the sound of cymbals, drums and gongs. 刘碧兰、郑月及李淑英半小时不停地表演宋江鼓、宋江锣及宋江钹。
- Praise Him with drums and dance, Ye all people shall praise Him. 击鼓跳舞扬声欢呼,凡有气息都要赞美祂。
- Instruments used include: Sheng, pipe, suona, gongs, pan frying pan, small cymbals, drums and so on. 所用乐器包括:笙、管、唢呐、云锣、铛铛、小镲、鼓等。