- rock reaction force 围岩抗力
- High energy absorption and low reaction force. 制品具有高吸能,低反力的特点。
- The Marine Corps is a crack rapid reaction force. 海军陆战队是精锐的快速反应部队。
- The result of fracture acidizing is depended on the acidic rock reaction rate. 压裂酸化效果的好坏,在很大程度上决定于酸岩反应速率的大小。
- Armed scouts make an excellent quick reaction force in the event of an ambush. 在伏击事件中武装士兵已变成一支杰出的反应迅速的部队。
- Choosing and controlling the available technical parameter can delay the acidic rock reaction rate and improve the acidizing result. 通过选择和控制适当的工艺参数,可以达到延缓酸岩反应速率、提高酸化效果的目的。
- The j X b force shoots the plasma out of the rocket, and the ensuing reaction force accelerates the rocket. j X b的力将等离子体抛离火箭,由此产生的反作用力就加速火箭。
- We first find the floor exerts on the passenger's feet, which is the reaction force to the force required. 首先求地板作用于乘客脚上的力,该力是我们欲求力的反作用力。
- Detail information for catalyst and packing supports, their location and reaction force. 催化剂与填料支撑及其地点与作用力的详细信息。
- He also wants the creation of a new international reaction force to help rebuild "failed states" that harbor terrorism. 他还希望能够建立新的国际应变部队,协助那些窝藏恐怖主义的垮台国家重建政权。
- Have more exchanges, coordination and organizational capacity.'s Rapid reaction force. 有较强的交流;协调;组织能力.;快速的反应力
- If an arm is stretched forward under water resistance is increased and a reaction force backward is developed, both of which would contribute to negative acceleration. 如果手臂在水中是向前伸展则阻力会随之增加而向后方的反作用力也会出现,二者都会产生负加速度。
- Note: The above curve shows recorrection coefficent of reaction force and enengy absorption in different angles at 52.5 % deflection. 注:上述曲线表示在52.
- The reaction force of the reel on the pipe in combination with the tension force increase ovalisation during bending [38]. 在弯曲过程中,卷轴对管道的反作用力和张力增加了成椭圆形。
- That's why 300 German Quick Reaction Force troops recently reinforced the anti-Taliban offensive of 1,000 Afghan soldiers and policemen around Kunduz. 因此,300名德军快速反应部队最近增援了昆都士的1000名反塔利班阿富汗士兵和警察。
- Because of the reaction force of the soil foundation, the hammer rebounds to some distance, that makes contact force appear discontinuous character. 由于地基土的反力作用使得夯锤发生一定的弹起,故强夯接触力具有强间断性的特征。
- The relationship between horizontal ground reaction force and vertical ground reaction force of lunge is significantly positive. 四、长刺动作的后腿推蹬水平力与垂直力达显著正相关。
- The rock was honeycombed with passages. 岩石上有许多蜂窝状的小孔。
- Dynamic equilibrium: if the axis of rotation of the rigid body is the principle axis of inertia, the additional dynamic reaction force of the bearing is zero. 静平衡:刚体转轴过质心,则刚体在仅受重力而不受其它主动力时,不论位置如何,总能平衡。
- Many young rock hounds grow up to be geologists. 许许多多爱好收集岩石的少年,长大后成了地质学家。