- His son was indentured to the local blacksmith. 他的儿子拜当地的铁匠为师签订了师徒合同。
- The blacksmith's shop is always noisy. 这个铁匠铺经常很吵。
- The toy robot moved forward with quick jerky steps. 玩具机器人一颠一颠地走得很快。
- The blacksmith heated the iron bar until it glowed. 这个铁匠给铁棒加热,直到烧红为止。
- robotic blacksmith 锻造机扑
- I consider it to be inferior to robot. 我认为它不及机器人。
- Joe had to work as blacksmith in place of his lazy father. 乔只得代替他懒惰的父亲去当铁匠。
- The boy's robot toy was his most prized possession. 那男孩的玩具机器人是他最珍惜的东西。
- The blacksmith came out of the forge to fit the horseshoe. 铁匠从铁工厂出来安装马蹄铁。
- Do you know when this kind of robot came into existence? 你知道这种机器人是什么时候问世的吗?
- In his youth his father bound him out to a blacksmith. 他年轻时,他父亲叫他去跟一个铁匠当徒弟。
- He was bound out to a blacksmith for three years. 根据契约,他拜一位铁匠为师当三年学徒。
- The blacksmith planked down his heavy bag of tools. 那个铁匠把沉沉的工具袋重重地放下。
- The age of the robotic rodent is upon us. 啮齿类机器人的时代正在向我们走来。
- A brawny blacksmith made a reach for him. 一个强壮的铁匠伸手过来抓他。
- They built a robot capable of understanding spoken commands. 他们制造了一个能懂口头指令的机器人。
- In my youth my father bound me to a blacksmith. 在我年轻时我父亲立契让我给一名铁匠当学徒。
- There was a blacksmith at the village entrance. 在村庄里住着一个铁匠。
- The blacksmith was pelting away at the hot iron. 铁匠在热铁上连续猛烈敲打。
- The robotic cat can wag its tail. 那只机器猫能摇尾巴。