- Mobile Robot Trajectory Planning in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Problem 移动机器人同步定位与地图构建过程中的轨迹规划研究
- Keywords Robot trajectory planning;Robot manipulability;Differential geometry;Geodesics;Volume element;Robot kinematics;Robot dynamics; 机器人轨迹规划;机器人操作性能;微分几何学;测地线;体积元素;机器人运动学;机器人动力学;
- robot trajectory planning 机器人轨迹规划
- In this paper, an effective geometry-graphics method based on Euclid space for welding robot collision-free trajectory planning is studied. 研究解决了基于工作空间焊接机器人无碰撞轨迹规划问题的有效途径几何图形法。
- The hand path tracking and joint trajectory planning is a very important research topic in the field of robot applications. 手部路径跟踪和关节轨迹规划是机器人应用领域中一个非常重要的课题。
- The trajectory planning of wire-driven rehabilitative robot was researched according to pelvis motion in the plane while a healthy person walking. 摘要根据正常人步态运动中骨盆在水平面内的运动情况,对绳索牵引康复机器人进行了轨迹规划研究。
- According to the nonholonomy and redundancy of a free floating space robot,we made a further research on trajectory planning under Descartes coordinate frame. 针对空间机器人非完整性和冗余性 ,对笛卡尔空间下的轨迹规划问题进行了研究。
- Finally, an example on trajectory planning is given and simulated. 给出了算例并进行了仿真计算,验证研究的正确性。
- The paper mainly discusses the realization of simulation modules, which include robot and environment building module, robot command module, trajectory planning module, kinematics module and collision check module. 摘要讨论了图形仿真系统中机器人及环境图形建模,机器人指令,轨迹规划,运动学正解逆解,碰撞检测,系统帮助等模块的实现方法。
- Robot manipulability includes the geometry, kinematics and dynamics, trajectory planning and the mode of optima] control of framework, which is the base of the design and control of robot. Many specialists attach importance to it. 机器人操作性能涉及到机器人机构的几何学、运动学与动力学性能以及运动规划和最优控制方式,是机器人设计与控制的理论基础,越来越受到机器人学界的重视。
- To improve the rising-falling character and the walking stability of the hexapod robot, on the basis of its kinematics analysis, thin paper presents its fact trajectory planning on the flat ground without obstacles. 摘要在对六足步行机运动学分析的基础上,为了改善步行机的起落特性及步行稳定性,进行了平地无障碍足端轨迹规划。
- Trajectory planning of robot was also researched. In this paper, path planning algorithm in the joint space and two kinds of linear interpolation algorithms in the Cartesian space were introduced. 本文还研究了机器人轨迹规划技术,讨论了SCARA机器人的关节空间轨迹规划算法和笛卡儿空间的两种直线轨迹插补方法。
- The second case is to track a series trajectory plans of walking for the biped robot. 透过计算,我们可以得到所有连杆的几何关系。利用连杆的几何关系,我们可以得到所有连杆的角度变化。
- The proposed interpolator can also be applied to the trajectory planning of the other parametric curves. 该算法同样可以应用于其他参数曲线的轨迹规划。
- Trajectory Planning of Hemming Robot 车门板包边机器人六关节角运动分析
- In the forth chapter, it is to analyze the kinematics on the ArP2Arm, and to discuss the trajectory planning of the arm. 还有硬件,如一个具有5DOF的机械手臂ArP2Arm。
- In this paper, the influence ofinitial configuration on trajectory planning alg orithms for redundant robots is studied. 就初位形对冗余度机器人轨迹规划算法效果的影响进行了研究。
- Consequently, two optimal dynamic trajectory planning problems in associated with this task space redundant DOF are investigated. 因此,本文即针对此直角座标空间多馀自由度提出两类最佳化动力轨迹规划问题及其求解方法。
- A 3-RPS parallel platform for experiment is build up.With the inverse kinematics theory of parallel mechanism,the trajectory planning of moving platform is analyzed. 构造了3-RPS并联机构试验台,运用并联机构逆运动学分析理论,分析研究动平台的运动轨迹规划。
- Because arc length of trajectory is regarded as the variant in geodesics based method, it possesses the advantages of non-time based trajectory planning at the same time. 本文的基于测地线的轨迹规划是以轨迹弧长作为参考变量的,因此它还具有非时间参考的机器人轨迹规划的优点。