- If one is in a terminal, such as kon and kterm for Japanese, that has issues with certain graphics characters, adding -a to MC's command line may help prevent problems. 如果在一个终端内,象用于日文的kon和kterm,某些图形字符有问题,给MC命令行增加一个-a选项,有助于阻止这个问题发生。
- Was he just following instructions from FEMA's command center at Pier 92? 这难道是来自联邦应急管理局指挥中心的指令吗?
- And to observe the Lord 's commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good? 遵守他的诫命律例,就是我今日所吩咐你的,为要叫你得福。
- But, hard as the work is and senseless as Seryozhka’s commands are, by three o’clock there is a large circle of dark water in the Bystryanka. 然而不管这个工作多么艰苦,不管谢辽日卡的命令多么混乱,可是到下午三点钟,贝斯特良卡河上已经有个满是黑水的大圆圈了。
- They were left to test the Israelites to see whether they would obey the LORD'S commands, which he had given their forefathers through Moses. 留下这几族,为要试验以色列人,知道他们肯听从耶和华借摩西吩咐他们列祖的诫命不肯。
- Moses was obedient to all the Lord’s commands and was really acting on behalf of God in consecrating the newly formed priesthood. 摩西顺服上帝所有的命令,郑重代表上帝祝福新成立的祭司制度。
- They were left to test the Israelites to see whether they would obey the LORD 's commands, which he had given their forefathers through Moses. 留下这几族,为要试验以色列人,知道他们肯听从耶和华藉摩西吩咐他们列祖的诫命不肯。
- One of several fatalities in the operation was the battalion’s commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Rupert Thorneloe. 在行动中的数个死亡事件之一是营指挥官鲁珀特中校的死亡。
- "I have not made trouble for Israel," Elijah replied. "But you and your father's family have. You have abandoned the LORD'S commands and have followed the Baals. 18以利亚说,使以色列遭灾的不是我,乃是你和你父家。因为你们离弃耶和华的诫命,去随从巴力。
- But Moses said, "Why are you disobeying the Lord 's command? This will not succeed! 摩西说:“你们为何违背耶和华的命令呢?这事不能顺利了。
- Although he had forbidden Solomon to follow other gods, Solomon did not keep the Lord 's command. 耶和华曾吩咐他不可随从别神,他却没有遵守耶和华所吩咐的。
- What is special about the Vault 3 is that it represents the army' s command headquarters. 3号坑的特殊之处在于它是兵马俑军队的统帅机构。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- Mike Heiberg: Right, in classic Starcraft infesting someone’s command center was really more of an insult. M:原作中感染敌人的指挥中心更多的是一种侮辱。
- The machine started up with a roar. 机器一声轰鸣开动了。
- After PLAs captured Lang Son, VPA's command planned to counter-attack and retake Lang Son on Mar 6th or Mar 7th. 在解放军占领谅山市之后,越南人民军指挥部计划于3月6日或者7日发起反击,夺回谅山市。
- But Moses said, "Why are you disobeying the LORD's command? This will not succeed! 摩西说,你们为何违背耶和华的命令呢,这事不能顺利了。
- Does seniority give one the right to command? 难道年长资深就有权发号施令吗?
- A roar of laughter greeted our ears. 一阵大笑声传入我们耳中。
- The roar of the explosion was stupendous. 爆炸的响声震耳欲聋。