- Modern man pours a lot of nitrates into the rivers, lakes and seas. 现在人类向江河、湖泊和大海倾倒了大量的硝酸盐。
- He was expatiating upon the benefits of swimming in rivers, lakes and seas. 他正详细说明到江河湖海中去游泳的好处。
- He was expatiating upon the benefits of swimming in rivers,lakes and seas. 他正详细说明到江河湖海中去游泳的好处。
- The rivers, lakes and seas in the underground palace were filled with mercury which flowed incessantly and other decorations in the form of rare treasures collected from all over the country were galore. 陵中“地下江山”的江河湖海,全部充灌水银,不停地流动着。 地宫中饰满从各地收集来的“奇器珍怪”。
- Tunnels, being one of the transport means passing through rivers, lakes and seas more rapidly and safely, have such advantages as being unaffected by adverse climate, rain and winds, waves and currents, ice packs and heavy fogs. 隧道作为一种更加便捷、安全的穿越江、河、湖、海的交通工程之一 ,有不受外界气候、风雨、波浪、水流、冰凌、大雾等因素影响的诸多优势。
- Instead he traveled throughout with the tittle "The Man of All Lakes and Seas". 罗贯中死后大约300年,毛宗岗对罗的原著进行了删改。
- Sentient beings who live underwater in villages at the bottom of lakes and seas. 也是感情丰富的生物,住在湖底或海底的村庄里。
- A [url="http://www.hp-lexicon.org/bestiary/#merpeople"] Merperson [/url] from the lakes and seas of Ireland (FB). 人鱼的一种,来自爱尔兰的湖泊和近海(神奇动物)。
- Some factories dump wastes into lakes and rivers. 一些工厂把废物倒进了湖里和河里。
- There are beautiful tide, lakes and rivers. 潮、湖、河、海自然风光优美。
- And I'm flying across rivers and seas. 纵使此刻正飞越河流和海洋.
- John ran to the edge of the lake and plunged in. 约翰跑到湖边,跑进了水里。
- There is a little information of torpedo s lake and sea test,and the torpedo s life doesn t obey representative life distribution. 鱼雷湖海试验信息很少,且其寿命不服从典型分布,若用常规方法折算其环境因子,结果不能反映实际情况。
- The storm blew fiercely over land and sea. 暴风雨猛烈地吹过陆地和海面。
- Daylight disclosed a chain of lakes and rivers in the distance. 晨曦中显露出远处一连串的江河湖泊。
- She travelled over land and sea. 她在陆上和海上旅行。
- Fishermen try their luck in ponds& def lakes and rivers. 渔夫在池塘、泊和河川里试他们的运气。
- She pulled him out of the lake and gave him the kiss of life. 她把他从湖里拖出来,并进行人工呼吸。
- The village is shut off from the world by lakes and marshes. 这个村子周围有湖泊与沼泽地,隔断了与外界的联系。
- Thereinto, many human activities result in wetland decrease directly or indirectly, such as developing land unreasonably, water pollution, air pollution, reclamation of land from the lake and sea. 其中,人类不合理使用土地,水污染、空气污染,围湖、围海造田等经济活动都直接或间接地导致了湿地面积的逐年减少。