- This article presents some technology requirements &main facility plan for future LRT in Yangzi river crossing tunnel, this kind of arrangement is the first time in large diameter road tunnel. 摘要主要阐述了上海崇明越江隧道下部空间预留轨道交通线所涉及的一些技术要求和重要设施的布里情况,这在大型公路隧道中也是第一次。
- There is a gas station and diner at the Yukon River crossing. 有一个加油站和晚餐在育空河过境。
- Directional drilling is an advanced construction method in river crossing. 定向钻穿越河流是一种比较先进的施工方法。
- I waited at the Mackenzie River crossing behind two other passenger trucks. 我等待着在麦肯齐渡河后面两个其他乘客的卡车。
- The mighty Missouri River crosses much of Montana. 气势磅礴的密苏里河流穿过蒙大拿州的大部分地区。
- Animal between the races is very difficult, fled over the river crossing the river. 动物之间的马拉松比赛也是很辛苦的,翻山越岭,过江过河。
- The river crossing at the Yangtze Estuary is an important component in the overall plan of Shanghai. 长江口越江通道是上海城市总体规划的重要组成部分。
- While they waited, the GIs sent out reconnaissance patrols and practiced new techniques in river crossing. 等待洪水消退过程中,美军进行巡逻侦察,并以新式器材演练涉水渡河。
- The Romans built a fort here to defend the river crossing into Wales and named the settlement Deva. 罗马人曾在此筑堡守卫流入威尔士的这条河流,并将些地称为迪瓦。
- Shennongjia is the Yangtze River and Han River watershed, Xiangxi territory along the river crossing, blocking and Nanhe River water system 4. 神农架是长江和汉水的分水岭,境内有香溪河、沿渡河、南河和堵河4个水系。
- High water levels and strong wings made a 4-hectare Russian island to drift down Narva River crossing the Estonian border and floating over its shores. 近日,一个大约4公顷的俄罗斯小岛在河水和大风的推动之下,竟漂流到了爱沙尼亚境内。
- Reviewing the evolution of big river crossing of oil and gas transmission pipeline in our country,this paper makes a conclusion of the technique. 本文简要回顾了我国油气管道穿越大型河流的发展历程,就大口径管道穿越河流技术进行了初步总结。
- Tourists will be advised to cross the road using footbridges, pedestrian subways or light signal crossing facilities. 警方会提醒游客在设有人像灯号过路处、行人天桥或行人隧道横过马路。
- The engineering geological investigations for pipeline large/middle river crossing is one of the focal point and difficult point in pipeline engineering. 大中型河流管道穿越工程地质勘察是管道线路工程地质勘察的重点与难点之一。
- Pedestrian Crossing Facility for Visually Impaired Person 行人过路处的视障人士设施
- The Qiantangjiang River crossing tunnel in Qingchun Road in Hangzhou was facing the serious problem which is caused by the confined water in the paleochannel of Qiantangjiang. 杭州市庆春路钱塘江过江隧道工程中所遇到的钱塘江古河道承压水给基坑工程造成了很大的困难。
- The paper introduces the fuzzy evaluation method which has been applied to the evaluation of the river cross sections in the Three Gorges reservoir area. 介绍模糊综合评价法,并运用此方法对三峡库区重庆等城市长江段地面水质监测断面进行评价。
- To facilitate the Co-location of Boundary Crossing Facilities, a new control point providing cross-boundary services to both passengers and vehicles will be built on the Shenzhen side. 为实施一地两检的安排,深圳将兴建新的管制站,为过境旅客和车辆办理通关手续。
- When crossing light rail tracks, use proper crossing facilities such as footbridges or Green man crossings. 横过轻铁路轨时,应使用行人天桥或绿色人像过路处之类的过路设施。