- Disagreements split the party into rival factions. 意见分歧使该党分裂为对立的几派。
- There are rival factions within the party. 这政党之中有对立的小圈圈。
- This is sometimes due to violence between rival factions in Gaza but mainly because of military action by Israel. 这有时候是由加沙的小派系间争夺的暴力造成的,更主要是以色列的军事行动。
- Starscream subdues rival factions and has himself crowned Supreme Decepticon Emperor. 红蜘蛛镇抚霸天虎,自封霸天虎帝国皇帝并行加冕仪式。
- Speaking in the West Bank city of Ramallah, President Abbas said he would consult with rival factions to try to end the bloodshed. 巴勒斯坦权力机构主席阿巴斯在约旦河西岸城市拉马拉说,他会与敌对派系商榷,以努力结束流血冲突。
- It promised to storm and take control of basis used by its rival faction Fatah and it's delivering on that promise building by building. 宣称将对其对手的Fatah的据点进行猛攻并占领,他们将占领每座建筑物来实现他们的诺言。
- Only when his attempts to do this with the army's senior command finally exhausted rival factions' patience did he come a cropper, being removed in the coup of 2006.... 而在他对于军队的高层指挥想如法炮制的时候,他终于耗尽了对手的耐心并且惨败,于2006年的政变中被扫地出门.....
- Meanwhile, rival faction in organization conspires to remove Bong-man and his right-hand man, "Ax", decides to take matters into his own hands. 其后姬青得知峰万患了绝症,且发觉他是真心痛爱儿子,于是让峰邱跟他一起生活,开开心心渡过馀生。
- A female teacher has been taken to hospital after a vicious fight broke out between rival factions at a high school (gymnasium) in Vimmerby in southern Sweden on Wednesday afternoon. 星期三下午,瑞典南部维默比市的一所高中(体育馆)里发生了一起派系打斗。在激烈的打斗过后,一名女教师被送进了医院。
- rival factions within the administration 政府中的对立派别
- a power struggle between rival factions within the party 党内对立派别之间的权力斗争
- A rival company has set afloat a new credit scheme. 一家竞争的公司已开始实施一项新的信用购物方案。
- John couldn't keep cool when he met his rival. 约翰见到他的对手就不能冷静下来。
- He is hound out of his job by jealous rival. 他受到忌妒他的竞争者的算计而被迫离职。
- He lashed at his rival for dishonesty. 他严厉斥责对手的欺诈行为。
- There is a deep divide between the two factions. 这两派之间有很深的分歧。
- The warring factions shot down the peace proposal. 主战派坚决反对和平议案。
- Rival salesmen were poaching on his territory. 这些推销员是竞争对手,却跑到他的地盘来兜生意。
- The party split into petty factions. 该党分裂成若干小派系。
- A rival firm poached our best computer programmers. 我公司的竞争对手把我们最好的计算机程序编制员挖走了。