- risk of dying suddenly 猝死危险
- Malnutrition contributes strongly to these deaths, increasing the risk of dying from other causes. 营养不良是造成这些死亡的重要原因,它也增加了死于其它原因的风险。
- Among these, the biggest killer is heart disease: according to the CDC, smoking triples the risk of dying from heart disease among middle-aged men and women. 根据疾病防治中心的说法,吸烟使中年男女烟民死于心脏病的危险增至3倍。
- The risk of dying in a botched abortion isonly part of a broader problem of maternal health in poor countries. 在贫困的国家,在糟糕的流产手术中死去的风险还仅是母亲健康问题中的一部分。
- The risk of dying in a botched abortion is only part of a broader problem of maternal health in poor countries. 在贫穷国家,因拙劣的堕胎技术而死亡的风险只不过是妇女健康这个广泛的问题的一部分而已。
- Pischon's team calculated that for every 5 cm (about 2 inches) increase in girth, the risk of dying increased by 17% for men and by 13% for women. 比兹肯的小组计算出,腰围每增加5厘米(约2英寸)死亡风险增加男性为17%25,女性为13%25。
- We discovered that those who had one or two alcoholic drinks a day had a 32 percent lower risk of dying from CHD than abstainers did. 我们发现,每天喝一两杯酒的人,死于CHD的机率比不喝酒的人低了32%25。
- America already lets people buy babies from surrogate mothers, and the risk of dying from renting out your womb is six times higher than from selling your kidney. 美国已经允许人们从“代理妈妈”那儿购买婴儿,并且死于租借子宫的风险比死于出售肾脏高出六倍。
- As long as they receive decent after-care, kidney donors suffer only the tiniest increase in their own risk of dying of kidney disease. 只要他们接受适当的病后护理与治疗,肾脏捐献者死于自身肾病的风险只有微小的增加。
- The research still shows that the risk of dying from stroke, aneurism,high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases are also increased. 研究还表明,死于中风、动脉瘤、高血压和其他心血管疾病的危险也有所增加。
- The team also found a greater risk of dying during the first years of follow-up, in patients with extensive colitis and in patients from Scandinavia. 研究还发现来自斯堪的纳维亚溃结较广泛的病人随访的开始几年死亡率较高。
- Among these,the biggest killer is heart disease: according to the CDC,smoking triples the risk of dying from heart disease among middle-aged men and women. 根据疾病防治中心的说法,吸烟使中年男女烟民死于心脏病的危险增至3倍。
- I don't want to run the risk of meeting John. 我可不想冒遇见约翰的危险。
- The act of dying; termination of life. 死,死亡死的动作; 生命的终结
- CERTAINLY DRUGS able to neutralize the anthrax toxin would help the immune system fight bacterial multiplication and would probably reduce a patient's risk of dying. 能中和炭疽毒素的药物,当然可以帮助免疫系统对抗细菌的繁殖,可能还会降低患者的死亡率。
- Women who live within 50 metres of busy roads face an increased risk of dying from a heart attack, stroke or other cardiopulmonary cause, according to a new study. 一新研究结果表明,居住在离交通繁忙的街道50米远之内的妇女面临着越来越大的死于心脏病,中风和其它 心肺疾病的危险性。
- He died suddenly of a heart attack and I had his funeral. 他心藏病去世,我替他主持葬礼。
- Most significantly, he said about 20 studies involving more than a million people have shown that long sleepers have a greater risk of dying than do those who sleep less. 更重要的是,扬斯戴特指出,在大约二十个研究中总共超过一百万名受试者的结果皆显示,长时间睡眠者的死亡率比睡眠较少的人更高。
- It died suddenly, in a terrible rain of fire and ash. 在一阵可怕的火焰和灰烬之中,它突然死亡了。
- Severe sleep apnea raises the risk of dying early by 46 percent, U.S. researchers reported Monday, but said people with milder sleep-breathing problems do not share that risk. 美国研究人员周一在报告中称,严重的睡眠呼吸暂停使人过早死亡的风险提高了46%25,而症状较轻的的人则不会有这个危险。