- In another word,the production and consumption of sports has become a rising industry. 换言之,体育 的生产、消费已经形成了一种新兴的产业了。
- In another word, the production and consumption of sports has become a rising industry. 换言之,体育 的生产、消费已经形成了一种新兴的产业了。
- As the rising industry of the international logistics,the third party certain extent,which gets the welcome widely. 作为国际物流领域新兴产业,第三方物流使企业能够在一定程度上摆脱物流的束缚,因而受到了企业的广泛欢迎。
- There is laudatory title of "smokeless industry" and "eternal rising industry" in tourist industry. 旅游业素有“无烟产业”和“永远的朝阳产业”的美称,它已经和石油业、汽车业并列为世界三大产业。
- Because the climate is moderate and the altitude just right, horticulture has become a newly rising industry in Puli. 由于气候温和、海拔高度适中,花卉栽培成为埔里的新兴产业。
- With the superior product quality and service network, Sante has become a shinning star in this rising industry. 凭借优质的产品和完善的销售、服务网络,已经成为家庭环保消费领域一颗璀璨的明珠。
- It has taken a prototype of declaring at customs and developed a step by step system to this multiaspect tridimentional evaluative rising industry. 是在近二十年来以报关业务为雏型,逐步拓展起来的、多方位的、立体式发展的新兴产业。
- Eg: Tourism, which is a rising industry, has become the major source of economy, playing crucial role in many Asian countries. 旅游业是一个新兴的行业,它成为经济的主要来源,在东南亚国家起着尤为的作用。
- For employment structure of tertiary industry, employment percentage of traditional industry trended descending but rising industry ascended dramatically in recent 10 years. 第二产业的从业人员比重较稳定,第三产业的就业比重总体上升,但其中的传统性行业的就业比重趋于下降而新兴行业比重提高。
- We point tentatively out the quantificational method to distinguish the rising industry,ripe industry,declining industry,and dominant or backbone industry. 本文探索性地对产业经济学中经常出现的新兴产业、成熟产业、衰退产业以及主导产业或支柱产业等概念进行了定量描述。
- The cultural industry is a key rising industry that should obviously become stronger and more competitive by taking advantage of the business opportunities spawned by the Olympics. It should become a force to be reckoned with on the international market. 文化产业是重要的朝阳产业,要抓住奥运商机,壮大实力,增强活力,提高竞争力,跻身国际市场。
- In China, the press and publication industry is the battle field of propagandizing ideas of CCP, the basic carrier of advanced culture and a rising industry of creating material and spiritual wealth. 在中国,新闻出版业是党的宣传思想阵地,是先进文化的基本载体,是创造精神财富和物质财富的新兴产业。
- The rising industries will be accelerated by commercial banks while the recessionary industries will be down. 在资本的形成过程中,它一方面催化新兴产业的成长,另一方面使夕阳产业走向衰退。
- Abstract: Being a rising industry, the Bambusa oldhami Wen is a highlight in the industrialization of Wenzhou's forestry, and it is expanding towards the world market. 文章摘要: 绿竹这一朝阳产业,是温州林业产业化中的一个亮点,正朝着国际化方向发展。
- Now S.Korea has become one of the " Asian four small dragons " and become the leading member of the rising industrialization nations. 如今韩国已发展成为亚洲的“四小龙”之一,并成为新兴工业化国家和地区的主要成员。
- The car industry is one of our biggest employers. 汽车工业是我们最大的雇主之一。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。
- Industry is reviving after the recession. 经济衰退后,工业正在复兴。
- The rising level of crime is a sign of the times. 犯罪率增高是这一时代的特徵。
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业需耗费大量的电力。