- It is hard to map all the regions of big countries. 为幅员辽阔的国家绘制地图,想把每个地区都详细标注是件困难的事。
- rise of big countries 大国崛起
- Research on Diplomacy and Stratagem of Big Countries (Russia and America etc. 大国外交与战略研究(美俄等)
- Venture capital has been overshadowed in recent years by the rapid rise of big leveraged buy-out funds. 近年来,大规模杠杆收购基金的快速兴起令风险资本相形见绌。
- Its milepost the mark of type is with output of world first steel, establish the position of big country of iron and steel. 其里程碑式的标志就是以世界第一的钢产量,确立了钢铁大国的地位。
- China regards ocean as big country of big country, shipbuilding big country and sports, while economy grows strong, behoove becomes houseboat developed country. 中国作为海洋大国、造船大国和体育大国,在经济强劲增长的同时,理应成为游艇发达国家。
- Our price remain unchanged in spite of the recent rise of the market. 尽管最近市场需求增加,我们的价格依然没变。
- One such trend would be the rise of China. 一个明显的趋势是中国的崛起。
- Through development of a few years, france the figure stand erect with big country of big country of science and technology and culture at the world, explore successful reason, have to allude quality education. 经过几十年的发展,法国以科技大国与文化大国的形象屹立于世,探索成功原因,不能不提及素质教育。
- Do not give me that kind of big talk. 别给我吹那种牛。
- The rise of prices concerns all of us. 物价上涨关系到我们每一个人。
- Also be faced with population to exceed volume pressure and system shunt risk to wait on the other hand, thereby bungle opportunity, in still staying in development of big country locally. 另一方面也面临着人口超量压力和体制转轨风险等,从而贻误时机,仍然停留在发展中大国的位置上。
- A list of all the biggest countries in the world. 世界上所有大国的名单。
- The rise of oil costs reacted on the price of food. 石油价格的上涨对食品的价格有影响。
- Petroleum is an unreproductive strategic resource, because it is pockety and finite, to gain and control sufficient petroleum becomes one of the main aims of big country"s secure tactic. 石油是一种不可再生的战略资源,由于世界石油资源分布不均、数量有限,因此,获得和控制足够的石油资源便成为大国安全战略的重要目标之一。
- A wage rise of 10 pounds a week across the board. 全体成员每人每周加薪10镑。
- The world that afterwar Holand uses 50 time " cheap oil " period and oneself are marine the comparison of big country advantage, develop large-scale petrifaction industry, lu Tedan.. 战后荷兰利用50年代的世界“廉价石油”时期和自身海运大国的比较优势;发展大规模的石化工业;鹿特丹...
- Towards the battering and rise of the tide. 平静面对潮起潮落。
- Have grown up in a rural area, she is not used to the busyness of big city. 因为在乡村长大,她不习惯大城市的繁忙。
- I can not help but look at the rise of tea. 我不由自主的抬头去看红袖。