- rippleseed plantain 成熟槽
- A plantain is similar to a banana. 大蕉类似于香蕉。
- I did not know a plantain patch from a kangaroo! 我也不知道什么香蕉种植地,正如我不知道什么是袋鼠一样!
- I didn't know a plantain patch from a kangaroo! 我也不知道什么香蕉种植地,正如我不知道什么是袋鼠一样!
- The plantain trees were getting their new skins. 梧桐换上新装。
- North American plantain having reddish leafstalks and broad leaves. 北美车前,叶柄带红色,叶宽。
- And grew into such big plantain trees on top of other trees. 就长成了现在的飞来蕉。
- Mazus and Plantain are common dwarf herbs in the low land. 通泉草与车前草是低海拔常见的小型草本植物。
- The Aguaruna mainly grow plantain, maize, and yucca. 阿瓜鲁纳主要生产大蕉、玉米和丝兰。
- Objective To study the effect of compound plantain ointment in curing bedsore. 目的研究复方车前草软膏对褥疮的治疗作用。
- The plantain seeds are commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. 车前子是一味常见中药。
- Two separate diseases are destroying banana and plantain crops in Africa. 两种疾病正在危害非洲的香蕉和大蕉作物。
- Any of various plants of the genus Cacalia having leaves resembling those of plantain. 蟹甲草属中的任一种植物,具有类似于车前草的叶子。
- At this point, plantain growers pay little attention to the crop, harvesting every time bunches are ready. 大蕉种植者很少注意作物本身,每次只是收获成熟的蕉串。
- Control of the two main plantain diseases, yellow sigatoka (Micosphaerella musicola) and black sigatoka (Micosphaerella fijiensis), is indispensable. 对两种主要病害黄香蕉叶斑和黑香蕉叶斑病进行控制是必不可少的。
- Effect of plant density and fertilizer application on plantain yield in two soils from Colombia with different natural fertility is shown (Table 2). 表2说明了在哥伦比亚的两种不同天然肥力土壤上种植密度及肥料用量对大蕉产量的影响。
- Instead she blew Monkey right out of sight with a single wave of her plantain fan. 悟空初次借扇,被铁扇公主用芭蕉扇扇得无影无踪。
- After having made arrangements for his master, Monkey left for the Plantain Cave to see Princess Iron Fan. 悟空把师父安排好,前往芭蕉洞找铁扇公主。
- Cold Ducks Paddling in the Water, Raindrops at Night on the Plantain Outside the Window and scented Breeze. 《寒鸭戏水》、《蕉窗夜雨》、《薰风曲》等。
- Therefore, Plantain is a good hyperaccumulator plant in medium contamination soils by Ni. 车前草适合Ni中等污染土壤的修复。