- The following code example shows the width of the form set to 300 pixels from the left edge of the form, whereas the height stays constant. 下面的代码示例演示将窗体宽度设置为距窗体左边缘300个像素,而高度保持不变。
- A certificate of the Borrower shall, substantially, comply with the form set forth in Appendix 4, and the attachments specified therein. 借款人证明书,其格式基本上应按照附录4规定的格式,及其规定的附件。
- To learn is essentially to form sets of those connections. 学习,本质上就是形成一组组的神经细胞连接。
- And the season of the fall begins Past the pass nobell past willow is weeping A ripple forms on the brinks of time. 秋天终于来到了,穿过钟楼,抚过柳枝,在时间的边缘荡起细细的波纹。
- In the parafeed circuit, the power supply ripple forms a voltage divider across the choke, and is not coupled to the output. 在旁馈耦合中,电源涟波被扼流圈分压,而不再耦合进输出。
- The following code example shows the width of the form set to 200 pixels wider than the current setting. 下面的代码示例显示设置为比当前设置宽200像素的窗体宽度。
- The French paper was set by our form teacher. 法语试卷是我们的班主任出的。
- You can change the Server Filter By Form settings to display field values in the list. 可以通过更改“按窗体服务器筛选”设置在列表中显示字段值。
- The task work item form sets the start date and finish date fields to read-only. 任务工作项表单将开始日期和完成日期字段设置为只读。
- A ripple forms on the brinks of time 激起了时间之缘的波澜
- The director set out the plan in skeleton form. 主任提纲挈领地说明了这一计划。
- A ripple forms on the brinks of times 水纹漾于时间之岸
- A ripple of laughter went through the audience. 观众中响起一阵轻轻的笑声。
- The paint is sold in powdered form. 该油漆以粉制品形式出售。
- A ripple, as on the surface of water. (水面上的等)细浪,涟漪
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- The ginpole is the simplest form of derrick. 起重吊杆是一种最简单的起重机。
- The script is massaged into final form. 这篇稿子经过修改已定稿。
- Selfishness in any form is my pet aversion. 我最讨厌自私自利,不管它以什么形式出现。
- The pebble made a ripple on the surface of the lake. 石子在湖面上激起一个涟漪。