- He ripped into his antagonist with fury. 他向他的对手猛扑过去。
- Bullets from our wing gun ripped into the enemy plane. 我们的机翼固定机枪发出的子弹射入敌机机身。
- It hurts her that you ripped into her like this. 你对她这么厉害令她十分痛心。
- Bullets from our wing gun ripped into the fuselage of the enemy plane. 从我们机翼上发出的枪弹击中敌机机身。
- A bullet ripped into his shoulder. 一颗子弹穿透了他的肩头。
- Zhu himself ripped into his players after the game. 赛后,朱广沪对他的队员们大发雷霆。
- Mrs. Brown ripped into her daughter for coming home late. 布朗太太责骂她女儿回家太晚。
- The dog's teeth ripped into the meat we had thrown him. 狗牙撕裂了我们抛给它的那块肉。
- Mrs Brown ripped into her daughter for coming home late. 布朗太太责骂她女儿回家太晚。
- See those lions ripping into the bodies of the animals. 瞧那些狮子在撕咬那些动物的尸体。
- The puppy is ripping into the big dog. 小狗正在向那只大狗发起猛攻。
- In the fifth round the champion ripped into his opponent with short jabs to the body. 在第五回合中,那位冠军用短拳猛击对手的身体。
- I don't like the way your supervisor rips into you. 我不喜欢你上司斥责你的情形。
- One swipe and the canopy burst away, ripped into space by the hurri cane of escaping air. 随着一下猛击,座舱被烧裂下来,迅速被狂暴的外泻空气卷入到外面的太空中。
- One fall I gutted a bee tree that a neighbor felled.I took a chain saw and ripped into this toppled old tupelo. 有一年秋天,邻居砍倒了一棵空心树,我用链锯切入那倒下的老山茱萸。
- Among them was their commander, Stemmermann, who died when a tank shell ripped into the wagon he was travelling in. 在他们中间有他们的指挥官,施特摩尔曼,当一辆坦克冲进车队时,他正在指挥战斗。
- This electric tool rips into the wood like a knife going through butter. 这把电动工具切入木头就像一把刀切入奶油一样。
- The crooks ripped off a car in broad day light. 那些歹徒在光天化日之下盗窃了汽车。
- Don't poke into my private affairs. 不要干涉我的私事。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。