- In the process of the power operation, the unification of rights and responsibility is the political foundation of taking the blame and resigning. 摘要在权力的运行过程中,实现权利和责任的统一是引咎辞职的政治学基础。
- Then how to do this, the answer is we can from the chose of juror, right and responsibility, use bound. 可以考虑从人民陪审员的选任、权利与职责以及人民陪审制度适用范围方面着手。
- Actually, the dispatched employment is often used to evade employer duty and responsibility, which greatly infringed the rights and interests of the laborer. 实践中,以劳动派遣用工形式规避雇主义务与责任,相互推诿责任之情形时有发生,严重损害了劳动者权益。
- The right and responsibility of the media is forgotten by people while the media develops speedily in the modern society today. 在媒介高度发达的现代社会中,媒介的权利和责任被人们淡忘,其含义也被现实扭曲。
- The principles of choice include the equal-treat, the equality of right and responsibility, the humanitarianism and the priority. 平等对待原则、权责一致原则、人道主义原则和优先选择原则是责任选择的方法论原则。
- Including whole right and responsibility provision in lack of arisen a few gregarious websites " the society is contracted " . 正在兴起的一些社交网站缺乏包含完整权利和责任规定的“社会契约”。
- This paper discusses the elucidation right, which is a function of jurisdiction derived from civil action.The elucidation right is the right and responsibility of the judge. 本文论述阐明权是司法审判权在民事诉讼程序上派生出的一种职能,它既是法官的权力,也是一种职责。
- Be guided by your sense of what is right and just. 做事要有是非观念和正义感。
- A supporter of the rights and power of the people. 人民党主义者人民权利与权力的支持者
- According to outstanding problems of rights and responsibility in the practice, the paper expounds the problems about how to avoid the risk from the aspects of income confirm, distribution of income and cost, cautious principle. 文章针对权责发生制原则在实际运用中存在的突出问题 ,从收入确认、收入与相关成本费用配比及坚持谨慎性原则等方面对如何规避风险进行了综合性阐述
- An innate knowledge of right and wrong. 一种内在的对正确和错误的判断
- We're losing money right and left. 我们处处都赔钱。
- In time to come,as a society modernizes,people's rights and responsibilities should be balanced. 从发展的角度看,一个社会越是具有现代性,它的公民的权利和义务就越是平衡。
- Property brings duties and responsibilities. 有了财产也就有了义务和责任。
- The status of having reached full legal age,with attendant rights and responsibilities. 成年已经到达法定年龄并享有相应的权利和义务的一种状态。
- Project Management Engineers Don't Renounce These Rights and Responsibilities Please! 监理工程师,请不要放弃这些权责!
- The captain is absolved from all blame and responsibility for the shipwreck. 那位船长被免除了因船只失事而遭致的非难和罪责。
- The status of having reached full legal age, with attendant rights and responsibilities. 成年已经到达法定年龄并享有相应的权利和义务的一种状态
- The complicatedness lies not only in ownership but also in related rights and responsibilities. 这种复杂性不仅在于所有权,而且在于与所有权相关的权利及相关责任。
- Look both ways (ie to right and left) before crossing the road. 过马路前先要向两边看一看。