- The editors were right to refuse this article. 编辑们不接受这篇文章是有道理的。
- The management reserves the right to refuse admission. 资方有权拒绝接纳。
- Families want the right to refuse life support. 病人亲属要求有权拒绝使用机器维持生命。
- Red T reserves the right to refuse any works. 红T有权拒绝任何作品。.
- Bidder shall have the right to refuse to grant such an extension of validity of bid without forfeit their bid bond. 投标人有权拒绝延长投标有效期限并不会因此而失掉其投标保证金。
- You were quite right to refuse/in deciding to refuse/in your decision to refuse. 你予以拒绝[决定予以拒绝/予以拒绝的决定]是恰当的。
- Without doubt she has the right to refuse that demand. 毫无疑问她有权利拒绝那样的要求。
- Virginia teenager goes to court today to fight for his right to refuse conventional cancer treatment. 弗吉尼亚一名少年今天走上法庭为其拒绝传统癌症疗法的权利而抗争。
- You'd be quite within your rights to refuse to work on Sunday. 你完全有权拒绝在星期天工作。
- Some bars reserve the right to refuse entrance to teenagers. 一些酒吧有权禁止未成年人入内。
- The management reservesthe right to refuse admission. 资方有权拒绝接纳。
- JST reserves the right to refuse and execute further instructions. JST保留拒绝执行客户指命的权利。
- However,a 13-year-old English girl has won the right to refuse medical treatment this week after a hospital dropped a legal bid to force her to have a heart transplant. 然而,在本周,一个13岁的英国女孩获得了拒绝药物治疗的权利。这项权利是在该医院放弃对其进行强制性心脏移植的法律命令后获得的。
- The Casino reserves the right to refuse or limit any wager or Player. 本赌城保留拒绝或限制玩家下注之权利。
- Zen: (rises his eyebrows) Everyone has the right to refuse a gatecrasher! 战:(扬眉)不速之客‚人人得而拒之!
- You would be quite within your rights to refuse to work on Sunday. 你完全有权拒绝在星期天工作。
- It would be bad taste to refuse their invitation. 拒绝他们的邀请是不礼貌的。
- Just for an instant I think he would go to refuse. 我脑中有一闪念,以为他要拒绝了。
- It was quite right of you to refuse the offer.= You were quite right to refusethe offer. 你拒绝那项建议是完全对的。
- It might be impolitic to refuse his offer. 谢绝他的好意未免失策。