- We saw two horsemen riding hell for leather across the plain. 我们看见两个骑手在平原上飞驰而过。
- We say two horsemen riding hell for leather across the plain. 我们看见两个骑手在平原上飞驰而过。
- I saw two young motorcyclists riding hell for leather down the road. 我看见两位摩托车手沿着公路飞驰而去。
- I ran hell for leather so see what was the matter. 我飞快地跑去,看发生了什么事情。
- I was still there when I heard the rumpus. I came out into the hall and ran hell for leather to see what was the matter. 当我听到那吵嚷声时,我还在那里,我立刻从房里来到过道里,飞快地跑出去看看是怎么回事。
- to ride hell for leather 拼命快骑
- ride hell for leathervi. 策马疾驰
- She wrote the first draft in one hell for leather month. 他拼命地在一个月里写出了初稿。
- Jack was driving his motor-bike hell for leather down the country lane. 杰克驾着摩托车,在乡间小路上飞驰。
- ridden hell for leatherv. 策马疾驰
- rode hell for leatherv. 策马疾驰
- They got into the taxi and told the driver to go hell for leather to the railway station. 他们坐上出租车,叫司机火速赶往火车站。
- We heard the bus coming as we approached the corner so we ran hell for leather and just caught it. 我们走到那个拐角上时听到公共汽车来了,因此我们就拼命地跑,正好赶上。
- You'll have to drive hell for leather to get this message to the soldiers in time. The enemy are approaching very fast. 你必须尽快地把这个信息及时传达给战士们:敌人正在向我快速逼近。
- I was still there when I heard the rumpus.I came out into the hall and ran hell for leather to see what was the matter. 当我听到那吵嚷声时, 我还在那里, 我立刻从房里来到过道里, 飞快地跑出去看看是怎么回事。
- "But this isn't rocket science," says Dr Barrett."It is quite clear we can go hell for leather installing renewables because we can deal with intermittency using heat storage. “但这不是火箭科学,”巴雷特博士说,“很显然,我们能尽力安装可再生能源,因为我们能够利用热能储集对付间歇现象。”
- Its mission was to outflank the Panzer Lehr, then swing around behind it and drive hell for leather through Villers-Bocage towards Caen, trapping both the Hitlerjugend and Panzer Lehr Divisions. 他们的任务是迂回包抄装甲教导师,从后面展开进攻,从维雷-布卡日向卡昂推进。
- The priest said they would go to hell for their sins. 牧师说,他们将因罪恶而下地狱。
- This type of vinyl is a poor substitute for leather. 这种乙烯基材料代替皮革十分勉强。
- He expected to catch hell for coming home late. 他因回家晚而准备挨骂。