- The ship is combating the wind and waves. 那只船正与风浪搏斗。
- The ship was combating with the wind and waves. 船正与风浪搏斗。
- The ship combated with the wind and waves . 船与风浪搏斗。
- As seamen, they had to battle with the winds and waves. 作为海员,他们得同风浪搏斗。
- The ship combatted with the wind and waves. 这艘轮船与风浪搏斗。
- The wind and waves make a man of a sailor. 水手是在大风大浪中成长的。
- The sailors battled with the winds and waves. 水手们与风浪搏斗。
- They battled against the winds and waves. 他们与风浪搏斗。
- The ship combated with the wind and waves. 船与风浪搏斗。
- Our ship made head against the wind and waves. 我们的船顶着风浪前进。
- A time will came for me to ride the wind and cleave the waves, I'll set my cloud-white sail and cross the sea which waves. 乘风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。
- The wind and waves have weathered the rocks on the shore. 海风和海浪已将岸边的岩石侵蚀了。
- Don't go astray! Whither today. A time will come to ride the wind and cleave the waves, I'll set my cloudlike sail to cross the sea which raves. 行路难,行路难。多歧路,今安在?长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海!
- A time will come for me to ride the wind and cleave the waves, I'll set my cloud-white sail and cross the sea which waves. 不过他是真牛!李白的“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。”让他说成了一个万能句子。好象所有的英语都能归结到这句话。而且相当的搞笑!
- They battled with the winds and waves . 他们与风浪进行搏斗。
- They battled with the winds and waves. 他们与风浪进行搏斗。
- While the storm raged,the ship could not make head against the wind and waves. 暴风雨正猛烈时,这只船无法顶着风浪前进。
- When you hoist the sails to cross the sea, you will ride the winds and cleave the waves. 长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。
- While the storm raged, the ship could not make head against the wind and waves. 暴风雨正猛烈时,这只船无法顶着风浪前进。
- to ride the wind and slice through the waves 乘风破浪