- rickettsial scleritis 立克次(氏)体性巩膜炎
- Purpose: To report a case of Haemophilus influenzae-associated scleritis after pterygium excision. 摘要目的:报告一个在翼状赘片切除术后因嗜血性流感菌引起之巩膜炎。
- It can be caused by cancer, heartworm disease, pyometra, rickettsial infection, or systemic lupus erythematosus. 该疾病可能由癌症、心蠕虫病、子宫蓄脓、立克次氏体感染或系统性红斑狼疮引起。
- Conclusions: Haemophilus influenzae is a relatively rare pathogen in infectious scleritis after pterygium excision. 结论:在翼状赘片切除术后发生的感染性巩膜炎,嗜血性流感菌是一罕见的致病菌。
- Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a rickettsial disease that occurs in dogs and humans. 落基山斑疹热是一种人犬共患的立克次体病。
- Typhus: Any of a group of related diseases caused by various species of rickettsia that release toxins into the blood. 斑疹伤寒:因不同种类的立克次体释放毒素至血液中而引起的一系列相关疾病。
- Conclusion: Surgical debridement in combination with systemic and topical antibiotics can treat infectious scleritis efficiently. 结论:手术治疗并用局部及全身性抗生素可有效治疗感染性巩膜炎。
- Results: A 63-year-old male with no underlying autoimmune disorders developed scleritis 7 years after pterygium excision. 结果:一名本身无自体免疫异常的63岁男性在翼状赘片切除术后7年发生巩膜炎。
- What are the main different bio-characteristics among mycoplasma, chlamydia and rickettsia? 列举出致病性支原体、衣原体和立克次体。
- Charles E.Rupprecht Rabies Program, Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia. 75%25的犬患狂犬病后仅存活4天,所有的狂犬病犬在出现临床症状的10天内死亡。
- Kuzmin Rabies Program, Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia. 国外有研究也表明,犬在出现狂犬病临床症状前3天的唾液中可以检测到狂犬病毒;
- Methods The investigation of the epidemic area, the isolation and identification of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi. 方法 疫区恙虫病流行病学调查、病原分离与鉴定。
- Methods Clinical data of 10 patients with Rickettsia tsutsugamushi pneumonia were analysed retrospectively. 方法对10例以肺炎为主要表现的恙虫病患者临床资料进行回顾性分析。
- The manifestations of rheumatic disease on ocular surface include dry eye, marginal nonbacterial corneal ulcer (corneal melting) and necrotizing scleritis. 风湿相关性疾病的眼表损害包括干眼症、角膜边缘无菌性溃疡(溶解)、坏死性巩膜炎等。
- It is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii and spread by ticks of the genus Dermacentor. 该病由立克次氏体引起,由革蜱属的蜱类传播。
- Garlic phytoncide contains, in addition to cell killing things, for a variety of viruses, Rickettsia role also killed. 大蒜中含有植物杀菌素,除对细胞有灭杀作用外,对各种病毒,立克次体也有灭杀作用。
- Garlic Garlic contains phytoncide, in addition to the role of the kill cells, for a variety of viruses, Rickettsia also kill role. 大蒜 大蒜中含有植物杀菌素,除对细胞有灭杀作用外,对各种病毒、立克次体也有灭杀作用。
- Garlic contains phytoncide, in addition to the role of the kill cells, for a variety of viruses, Rickettsia also kill role. 大蒜中含有植物杀菌素,除对细胞有灭杀作用外,对各种病毒,立克次体也有灭杀作用。
- Spotted fever group Rickettsia (SFGR) ,the causative agent of spotted fever, is the most complex group among Rickettsia genus. 斑点热群立克次体(spotted fever group Rickttsia,SFGR)系引起斑点热的病原体,是立克次体属中最复杂的一群。
- Rickettsia heilongjiangii is a new species of spotted fever group.The disease it causes is heilongjiangii tick-borne spotted fever. 黑龙江立克次体是近年发现的斑点热群立克次体新种,由其引起的疾病为黑龙江蜱传斑点热。